The first successful establishment of a mouse model of hereditary hypertension

  The research group of Professor Minsheng Zhu from the Institute of Model Animals of Nanjing University, Professor James T Stull from the Southwestern Medical Center and Professor Yang Xiao from the Academy of Military Sciences have discovered that the vascular smooth muscle of MYPT1 tissue-specific knockout mice is effective against GPCR agonists and detoxification. Polarized stimulation is highly sensitive; under physiological non-stimulation, the blood pressure of the mouse reaches 140 mmHg within 3 weeks of birth, and the range of change is stable for life.

   MYPT1-deficient mice are expected to become the most ideal and commercially available hypertensive disease model for basic research and various drug screening. This model mainly has the following three advantages:

   For the first time, a mouse model of hereditary hypertension was successfully established, with stable phenotype and no need for intervention. The function of important organs such as heart and kidney is normal, gastrointestinal function and survival changes are not significant, it is pure myogenic hypertension. (See the team's research "Gastroenterology" 2013 Jun;144(7):1456-65). Almost all types of antihypertensive substances are sensitive, such as ROCK inhibitors, PKC inhibitors, nitric oxide, acetylcholine, etc.

   In addition, it is worth noting that the male mice of this model have difficulty in mating, which may be used in the male erectile dysfunction (ED) disease model.

   The first authors of this paper are graduate students of the Institute of Model Animals Qiao Yanning and Dr. He Weiqi. They have completed animal genome modification, series of phenotypic analysis and mechanism research through more than 6 years of hard work. The corresponding author of the paper is Professor Minsheng Zhu from the Institute of Model Animals.