Current Status and Prospects of Research on Animal Models of Diseases in China

  "Science in China. Life Sciences" magazine published a review article entitled "Research Status and Prospects of Animal Models of Disease in China" published by scholars from the Department of Medical Sciences of the National Natural Science Foundation of my country. The article comprehensively sorts out the research and development status of animal models of diseases in my country, analyzes my country’s unique advantages in this regard and its gap with the international community, and covers tumors, neurological and mental diseases, infections and immune diseases, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases Different fields such as sexual diseases, drug screening, etc. Briefly introduce the funding status of the National Natural Science Foundation of China for disease animal model projects, and point out the main development direction of disease models in my country in the future. The article pointed out that under the co-funding of the state and local governments, my country has made long-term progress in the field of disease animal models in recent years. Whether it is the construction of hardware platforms or the research and development of various disease animal models, they are all in the stage of vigorous development, but with Compared with developed countries, there is still a considerable distance, which is mainly manifested in several aspects such as hardware platform construction and layout, management level, basic biological research, disease model creation and promotion, and animal model-based disease mechanism analysis and drug development. In addition, the article also focuses on the development status, existing problems and development trends of disease animal models in the field of oncology, neurology and psychology, metabolism and cardiovascular diseases, immunity and infectious diseases, and drug screening and evaluation. detailed analysis. Not only that, the article also briefly analyzes the animal models of China’s characteristic and dominant diseases and the funding of the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s disease animal model projects, and puts forward the following suggestions for the development of animal models of diseases in China: 1. Active participation International collaboration plan to keep pace with the world's frontiers in this field; 2. Step up the establishment of animal models for diseases such as rats, zebrafish, and pigs, and realize complementary studies of multiple models; 3. Transform abundant primate resources into outstanding research strength, And to achieve sustainable use; fourth, step up the establishment of a unified and effective information release platform, and achieve orderly management and resource sharing. The development of animal models of disease in my country has a long way to go. This article analyzes in detail the status quo of the development of animal models of disease in my country, and compares it with the development of international animal models of disease. Development points the way.