Comparative study of ADHD experimental animal models

  Objective: To summarize the research situation of ADHD animal models, analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various models, provide references for establishing ideal ADHD animal models, and provide new ideas for future ADHD experimental research.

   Method: Collect relevant literature on ADHD animal models, analyze and summarize the source and application range of various models, and summarize their advantages and disadvantages.

   Results: ADHD models are mainly divided into four types: genetic models, nerve injury models, artificial screening models and environmental adaptation models. The four types of models have different modeling purposes, different application ranges, and each has advantages and disadvantages.

   Conclusion: According to the relevant evaluation standards, there is no ideal ADHD animal model. The SHR rat is currently a relatively complete model. The selection of animal models should be screened according to the purpose of the research. Establishing an ideal ADHD animal model is an important research direction.