【Animal Modeling】-Induced pancreatic cancer animal model

  [Modeling mechanism] Pancreatic cancer is a highly malignant tumor with a poor prognosis. Pancreatic cancer is insidious, difficult to diagnose early, and prone to liver metastasis, peritoneal spread or local recurrence, and insensitivity to chemotherapy drugs. Early pancreatic cancer models mainly used nude mice for modeling, but in tumor research, nude mice lacked a normal immune system, and the thymus and T cell immunity did not refuse xenotransplantation due to insufficient function. Hamsters are similar to humans in morphology and immunology, but the pathogenesis of pancreatic cancer in nude mice is different from that of humans. Its main characteristics are short incubation period, fast growth, high early metastasis and metastasis rate, while maintaining the physiological and anatomical characteristics of pancreatic cancer. Therefore, the orthotopic transplantation model of hamster pancreatic cancer is an ideal model for studying human pancreatic cancer.

  [Modeling method]

  1. Establish a hamster pancreatic cancer cell line and induce hamster pancreatic ductal carcinoma with metronidamine. Use scissors to cut the tumor tissue into 1 cubic millimeter tumor mass, and implant the trocar subcutaneously into the hamster's shoulder cap bone area. The animals were sacrificed after 6-8 weeks. Remove the tumor and plant it repeatedly. After the 8th implantation, the tumor tissue was taken out, digested with 0.5 g/L trypsin, treated with EDTA at 37°C for 10 minutes, and then centrifuged at 1000/min for 10 minutes to recover the cells. Culture bovine serum in DMEM medium, add 100 U/L penicillin and streptomycin, 100 mg/L kanamycin and 100 mg/L amphotericin B, and repeat the passage to establish cell lines. ..

  2. The orthotopic transplantation model of hamster pancreatic cancer was established. The hamster pancreatic cancer cell line was stably passaged in DMEM medium for 5 to 6 generations. When cell proliferation is observed, the culture is stopped. Prepare cell suspension in serum-free DMEM medium, and adjust the cell density to 1×10000000000/L, intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital sodium 60 mg/kg, midline abdominal incision, pancreas withdrawal, wide spleen, and regular abdominal closure Then, 1 x 1000000/L hamster pancreatic cancer cell suspension was injected under the dorsal membrane of the pancreas. [Model Features] The hamster pancreatic cancer model is characterized by short incubation period, fast growth, early metastasis and high metastasis rate, while maintaining the physiological and anatomical characteristics of pancreatic cancer. The pathological characteristics of transplanted tumors are mainly round or oval, uneven surface, pink in appearance, gray-white in cross section, necrosis in some centers and fragile texture of tumor tissue. .. Microscopic examination shows that the tumor cells are polygonal or irregular, the cytoplasm is slightly stained, and the nucleus is large and round, which is atypical. The tumor cells grow in nodular form and are located in solid nests with small sinuses inside. Human poorly differentiated pancreatic cancer is basically the same. The hamster pancreatic cancer cell line must be passaged stably in vitro and used in the log phase before inoculation before it can be used to inoculate hamsters. [Model evaluation and application] Hamster pancreatic cancer cell lines have higher proliferation capacity and higher metastasis rate than human tumor cells. Pancreatic cancer cell line subcutaneous transplantation model, intrasplenic injection liver metastasis model and surgical pancreatic orthotopic transplantation model are common methods for pancreatic cancer modeling, while intrasplenic injection liver metastasis model is more invasive..

  Currently, there are many animal models of pancreatic cancer, most of which are nude mouse models. The use of hamsters to establish animal orthotopic models of pancreatic cancer is to study the pancreas, because nude mice are immunodeficient animals and their etiology is different from that of humans. An effective tool for cancer drug screening.