Isolation, Cultivation and Identification of Bacteria from Tree Shrew Feces

  Purpose: To understand the diversity of the fecal flora of the artificial tree, to provide a basis for the normal reproduction of the tree and the standardization of microbial quality control.

  Method: Collect 10 samples of horse manure from Yushu randomly, use aerobic and anaerobic media to separate and cultivate bacteria, extract bacterial genomic DNA, and amplify 16SRNA gene by PCR and determine the order.

  Result: In this experiment, aerobic culture isolated and identified 25 strains and 12 bacteria from bark stool samples, and anaerobic cultures such as Proteus and Enterococcus isolated and identified 25 strains and 10 bacteria. Escherichia coli, Shigella spp. , Staphylococcus. , Aeromonas. , Larnella spp. , Raoult spp. , Thermophilic bacteria. , Streptococcus. , Leuconostoc spp.

   Conclusion: The aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in Woodman’s intestines are rich in species diversity. A group of Proteus, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis, they may be the main parasites in the intestinal tract of wood.