【Animal Modeling】-Human ovarian cancer transplanted tumor model in nude mice

  The transplanted tumor model of human ovarian cancer in nude mice is an ideal carrier for ovarian cancer research. It is used for the etiology, etiology, biological characteristics of human ovarian cancer, radioimmunoimaging diagnosis, chemotherapy drug screening, gene therapy, immunotherapy and anti-tumor. It is important for drug development and other aspects.

  [Modeling mechanism] Since nude mice suffer from congenital thymus deletion and cell-mediated immune deficiency, very few allogeneic tissues transplanted into the body are rejected. This laid the biological foundation for the stable implantation of human tumor tissues in nude mice. Human ovarian cancer transplantation tumor model in nude mice, human ovarian cancer subcutaneous transplantation tumor model using human ovarian cancer excised specimens and subcutaneous inoculation, human ovarian cancer tumor cell lines in the abdominal cavity and ovary of nude mice can be transplanted into the peritoneum of nude mice. Human ovarian cancer was established in orthotopic transplantation tumor model of human ovarian cancer in nude mice.

  [Modeling method] BALB/c-nu/nu nude mice are usually used as experimental animals. Collect human ovarian cancer resection specimens, prepare and culture cells routinely, collect logarithmic growth of ovarian cancer cells, adjust the cell density to 5.0 x 10,000,000 cells/ml, and inject 0.2 ml/cell into the peritoneum. [Characteristics of the model] 19-40 days after vaccination, the abdominal circumference and abdominal tumors of nude mice increased significantly, activity decreased, and weight loss. After the nude mice were killed by dislocation, the abdominal cavity was opened and metastatic solid tumor tissue was observed. Take the tumor tissue and ascites for pathological examination. Under the microscope, cancer cells showed large nuclei and deep staining, mitotic maps and obvious nucleoli. Macroscopic agglutination and necrosis can be seen in some parts of the tumor tissue.

  [Model Evaluation and Application] The success rate of transplantation of human primary ovarian cancer tissue to nude mice is very low, about 28% to 40%. On the basis of a successful transplantation, the success rate of transplantation between mice by tissue block or cell method can reach 100%, thereby shortening the incubation period, accelerating the growth rate of tumors, and accelerating animal experiments cycle. Can be shortened. Ascites xenograft tumors reflect the proliferation of ovarian cancer cells and the formation of abdominal ascites. Ascites matches the clinical manifestations of human ovarian cancer to some extent, and provides a reliable research vehicle for drug selection and biological treatment of intraperitoneal chemotherapy, but it is usually used in the ovaries. It lacks the performance of solid tumors, and the survival time of ascites xenograft tumor models is short. In recent years, it has been mainly used in the research of abdominal chemotherapy and radioimmunotherapy.