【Animal Modeling】-Induced Ovarian Cancer Animal Model

       [Modeling mechanism] Chemical carcinogens are directly applied to the tissues through local embedding and other methods. These carcinogens act on the surface epithelium of the ovary and cause cell transformation. At the same time, it may also affect the follicles and (or) the oocytes. Destroy, change the level of gonadotropin and cause ovarian tumors.

   [Method of Modeling] After dissolving DMBA with benzene solvent, immerse the cotton thread in the liquid medicine and place it in a fume hood until the benzene volatilizes, and calculate the medicine content of the cotton thread as 0.5 mg/cm. Eight-week-old F344 female rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of pentobarbital sodium. Under aseptic conditions, the abdominal wall was incised about 1.5 cm in the middle of the lower abdomen and 1 cm above the symphysis pubis. One medicated cotton thread was sewn into the rat's ovary and the abdomen was closed. Each rat was intraperitoneally injected with 0.1 ml of gentamicin every week.

  Other methods: using talcum powder in the perineum can cause carcinogenesis along the reproductive tract to the surface of the ovary; applying talcum powder directly on the surface of the ovary can cause local papillary changes and ovarian cysts. The chemical DMBA acts on the surface of the rat's ovary and can cause epithelial tumors. At the same time, the detection also found mutations in the p53 and K-ras genes. Exposing rhesus monkeys and rhesus monkeys to some pesticides, such as hexachlorobenzene, can induce the failure of ovarian reproductive function, obvious changes in the size and shape of the ovaries, and changes in the arrangement of OSE.

   [Characteristics of the model] Tumors began to form in the 6th week after surgery, and metastases formed in the peritoneum and other places. Model animals showed typical clinical manifestations of ovarian cancer such as weight loss, frog-shaped abdomen, abdominal hemorrhagic ascites, anemic appearance (pale eyeballs, pale auricles), and exhaustion. The use of chemical substances to stimulate the ovaries of rodents to produce toxicity and carcinogenicity, leading to the withering of the follicles, granular cell tumors and benign mixed tumors.

   [Model Evaluation and Application] The local effect of chemical drugs is a relatively direct method for inducing tumors, but it requires surgery on experimental mice, which may easily cause infection and even death. At the same time, if the dose is too small, the incubation period can exceed the life span of the animal, resulting in a decrease in carcinogenicity. This animal model is similar to human ovarian cancer in terms of tumor growth mode, disease progression, complications, etc., and is an ideal ovarian cancer animal model.