【Animal Modeling】-Methodological Research on Establishing Mouse Model of Learning and Memory Impairment

  Objective: To study effective methods to avoid darkness and Morris water maze experiment to establish a model of learning and memory impairment in mice.

  Method: 20 minutes before ECG training, mice were injected with 1 mg/kg Dongmice base into the abdominal cavity, immediately after ECG training, 90 mg/kg sodium nitrite was injected subcutaneously, and 35% ethanol was injected for 15 minutes. Before the next electric shock test of 0.1 mL/10 g, establish a model of memory acquisition, memory integration and memory aplasia, and measure the 6-hour, 24-hour, 30-day black avoidance latency, error count and probe count of each group of mice 30 hours and 48 hours after the electric shock training, respectively evaluate the sensitivity and best test time of each of the three memory impairment model methods. The mice were injected intraperitoneally with 1 mg/kg Dongpol base and 0.1 mL/10 g 35% ethanol, which caused learning and memory impairment. Use Morris water maze positioning navigation test and space exploration test to test the sense of spatial position in experimental animals. Establish the direction of the evaluation method (spatial direction) of the mouse model of spatial learning and memory impairment. The results of the dark avoidance experiment show that the dong-alkali-induced memory impairment model mice significantly shorten the dark avoidance latency 6 hours and 24 hours after the electric shock training, and the number of errors is also high. Significant increase (P0.05).

  Conclusion: When building a mouse model of memory acquisition impairment and memory integration in a light-shielding experiment using Eastpol base and sodium nitrite, the corresponding indicators should be tested 24 and 30 hours after modeling. In the ethanol-induced memory/aplasia model, mice were given ethanol 24 hours after the electric shock training and 15 minutes before the next test. The indicators should be the incubation period of darkness, the number of errors and the number of probes. The Morris water maze experiment showed that Eastern mouse base may damage the spatial learning and memory of mice, and can be used as a drug to establish a model of mouse spatial learning and memory impairment. Ethanol cannot establish a model of spatial memory impairment in mice.