【Animal Modeling】-Establishment of a rat model of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

  Objective: To screen and compare the methods of establishing rat models of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, so as to provide animal models suitable for studying the mechanism of OHSS and developing therapeutic drugs.

  Method: Wistar and SD rats aged 603-5 weeks were randomly divided into groups, and different doses of pregnant horse serum (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) were injected respectively to establish an OHSS model, and observed by naked eyes. , Organ index measurement, blood progesterone, estrogen and VEGF concentration measurement methods comprehensively evaluate the established model.

  Results: 3-week-old SD rats showed obvious ovarian hypertrophy, increased vascular permeability and serum VEGF levels. This is a typical OHSS change and is more suitable for establishing an OHSS rat model.

  Conclusion: Comparison and screening provide a reliable modeling method.