Validation of the establishment of hyperlipidemia model by high-fat diet

  Objective: To establish hyperlipidemia by feeding SD rats with a high-fat diet for 8 weeks, verify the feasibility of this modeling method, and study the changes in blood lipids of rats at different time points.

  Method: 30 normal male SD rats at 8 weeks of age after 1 week of adaptive feeding were randomly divided into control group, model 1 group and model 2 group, each group containing 10 rats. The control group received a normal diet, and the model group 2 received a high-fat and high-cholesterol diet for 8 weeks. The feed and drinking water of each group were measured every day, and litter was exchanged and weighed for 4 days. At the 4th, 6th and 8th weeks, the animals were fasted overnight, and blood was drawn from the orbital plexus to measure the blood lipid level of each of the four groups. The animals were sacrificed at the end of the 8th week, and the liver and aorta of each group were collected for HE staining.

  Result: Compared with the control group, the average daily dietary intake of the model 1 group increased, but it was not statistically significant. The average daily dietary intake of the model 2 group was significantly reduced, and the difference was statistically significant (P\u003c0.01). Compared with the control group, the daily water consumption of the two model groups was significantly reduced, and the difference was statistically significant (P\u003c0.01). The liver/obesity index of the model group was significantly higher than that of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P\u003c0.01). Compared with the control group, the final weight of the model 2 group increased, but only the model 1 group was statistically significant (P\u003c0.05). For blood lipids, the TC levels in the two groups of weekend 4 and 6 models were significantly increased compared with the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P\u003c0.01 or P ). The 1c level of u003c0.05 and LDL-8 weekend model group was significantly increased, while the HDL-c level decreased, and the difference was statistically significant (P\u003c0.05). The HE staining of the liver showed that the liver cells of the control group were arranged normally and evenly stained, but the liver cells of the model group 2 had larger areas of fatty degeneration, and some liver sinusoids were soaked with bloody inflammatory cells. HE staining of the aorta showed that the aortic structure of the three groups was normal.

  Conclusion: The establishment of hyperlipidemia in SD rats with a high-fat diet is established. The established model is hypercholesterolemia with severe fatty liver. At the same time, in the hyperlipidemia experiment of SD rats with hyperlipidemia and high cholesterol diet, the fluctuation of blood lipids indicates that their internal adaptability is enhanced. In the modeling process, how to overcome the internal regulation of animal anorexia and cholesterol metabolism is the key to eating a high-fat diet.