【Disease Animal Modeling】-Preparation of Experimental Animal Model of Acute Pancreatitis

  Animal models of pancreatitis are the best way to study the etiology of pancreatitis and explore clinical treatments, but the etiology of pancreatitis is still unknown, and there is no good method, because the etiology varies with the type of pancreatitis. Animal models are possible. Simulate human pancreatitis. However, Busnar-do et al. successfully induced an acute pancreatitis model in 1856 by injecting a mixture of bile and olive oil into the pancreatic duct of a dog.

  mainly manifests in the following points:

  1. Sodium taurocholate modeling 1) Model establishment method: The rats were fasted 12 hours before the operation, and the rats were intraperitoneally anesthetized and fixed with 2 mg/100 g body weight of free drinking water and pentobarbital solution. Enter the abdomen through a midline incision in the upper abdomen, lift the duodenum, and clamp the duodenal segment and the hilar pancreaticobiliary duct with small blood vessel clamps. Puncture the pancreaticobiliary duct with a TB needle (4.5 needle, 1 ml syringe) (preferably a micro pump), inject 5% C sodium taurocholate (0.1 ml/100 g) for 1 minute, hold for 5 minutes, and then pull out the needle. .Remove the container clamp. Observe obvious edema and hemorrhage in rat pancreatic tissue, and suture all layers of abdominal wall.

  2) Model features and functions: This method is a more mature model of acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP).

  3) Precautions for establishing and using the model: The 24-hour survival rate is about 50%

  2, Frogpis model

  1) How to build a model: fasting rats for 12 hours before surgery, drinking water for free, intraperitoneal injection of frog skin (25μg/kg)), 5 hours after injection, edematous acute pancreatitis (CIP) is formed

  2) Model features and functions: This method is a model of mild edematous acute pancreatitis.

  3) Model establishment and precautions: At present, ANP is mainly conducting research in China. Please pay attention to your research when using this model.

  3, retrograde bile duct injection

  Ligate the pancreatic duct and insert it into the main pancreatic duct. It is injected through the main pancreatic duct. Substances that can activate pancreatin or pancreatin, such as sodium deoxycholate and autologous bile. Pancreatin is injected into the pancreatic duct and causes acute pancreatitis. When PGE2 is perfused, it can cause acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Schmidt et al. created a rat model of acute pancreatitis by combining a small amount of pancreatic catheter infusion with glycodeoxycholic acid and intravenous injection of bombesin. This may cause uniform damage to the gland cells, accompanied by moderate necrosis, suitable for the study of pancreatitis.

  4. Pancreaticobiliary duct ligation Ligation of the pancreaticobiliary duct into the duodenum or simple ligation. Lerchetal. The pancreaticobiliary duct connecting the ampulla. Oedematous pancreatitis occurred 6 hours after ligation, and bleeding occurred 12 hours later. Necrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration. The advantage of this model is that it is simple and avoids non-specific systemic effects caused by drugs. This is similar to human bile reflux pancreatitis, but may only cause mild pancreatitis. unzi etc. Improved this method. After cutting the proximal end of the duodenum 10 cm, close both ends and ligate the common bile duct, anastomose the stomach and duodenum to pour pancreatic juice into the closed loop. When the internal pressure rises, a reaction will occur. Acute necrosis occurred 4 hours after pancreatitis, edematous pancreatitis 4 hours after operation, and bleeding and necrosis occurred 9 to 12 hours after operation. In addition, there are acute pancreatitis caused by pancreatic duct ligation and obstruction of pancreatic arteries or veins.

  5. Feeding method Choline nutrient can feed female rats to establish an acute pancreatitis model, while male rats are not sensitive to stimulation. The young mice received choline-free ethionine treatment and developed pancreatic necrosis and abdominal fat necrosis after 4 days. Generally, ethionine without choline prevents the secretion of pancreatic acinar cells, thereby activating thymosin granules and lysosomes in the cell.

  6. Use the secretory method Bombesin analog CCK-PZ by intravenous or subcutaneous injection. , Increase the secretion of pancreatic proteolytic enzymes to a level that can cause pancreatic acinar autolysis.

  7. Dissociative pancreatitis model

  mainly use ex vivo extracorporeal perfusion technology, free pancreas and duodenum, arteries and mesenteric artery spleen cannulation. The portal vein and pancreatic duct; then the pancreas is taken out and connected to an oxygen and perfusion circulator that can control temperature and humidity; after 30 minutes of stable perfusion, free fatty acids are injected from the artery to simulate alcoholic pancreatitis. Intravenous injection of bombesin can cause biliary pancreatitis; 2 hours of ischemia can cause ischemic pancreatitis.