【Disease animal model】-rat acute psychological stress model

  Modeling method:

  SD rats, 8 weeks old, male. The laboratory temperature is 18-25℃, regular feeding, free eating and drinking.

  1. Exercise methods and conditions: swimming without load, pool glass, water depth is about twice the length of the mouse body, the water temperature is 30-32℃.

  2. Create a psychological stress model: Using the rat bystander electric shock model, the electric shock group (current 1-2 mA, cycle 100, interval 90 seconds) makes the rat receive the shock of electric shock. The rats in the electric shock group of the stress model group did not suffer electric shocks, but only the electric shock process of the rats in the electric shock group was observed. At the end of the experiment, visual and auditory psychological pressures were carried out in batches. Within 30 minutes.

  3. Group domain experiment controls include: one. Control group: no exercise, no pressure; b. Acute psychological stress group: no exercise, psychological stress; c. 30-minute swimming group: Perform adaptive swimming every day for the first week. Gradually increase the time from 10 minutes to 30 minutes. Starting from the second week, swim once every 30 minutes a day, and rest regularly for 11 weeks a week. d, 60-minute swimming group: No, we do adaptive swimming every day. Gradually increase the duration of a week from 10 minutes to 60 minutes. Starting from the second week, swim once a day for 60 minutes each time, and then rest once a week for 11 weeks. e, (30 minutes) swimming + acute psychological pressure) group: 30-minute exercise group from the beginning of the exercise mode, psychological pressure is applied at the end of the experiment; f. (60 minutes of swimming + acute psychological stress) group: 60 minutes of exercise group from the beginning of the exercise mode, pressure is applied at the end of the experiment.

  Observation indicators and analysis:

  1. Determination of serum IL-6 content;

  2. Determination of serum TNF content.