【Disease Animal Model】-Hepatitis E Virus Rhesus Monkey Model

  [Model mechanism] Hepatitis E is mainly transmitted through the fecal-oral route (gastrointestinal tract), and other routes include blood transfusion and vertical transmission. Taking advantage of the infectious properties of hepatitis E, the fresh fecal filtrate of hepatitis E patients is injected intravenously into animals to induce a disease process similar to that of human beings naturally infected with hepatitis E virus.

  [Modeling method] Collect stool samples from patients with acute hepatitis E, and prepare a 10% suspension with 0.1 mol/L PBS buffer. After centrifugation and bacterial filtration, 1.5 ml/cephalic vein was injected into the hind limbs. Rhesus monkey (rhesusmonkey).

  [Model Features] ALT began to rise 28 days after infection and reached a peak within 1 week. IgG was positive at 18-28 days and returned to normal after 120 days with viremia. 14-32 days. Detoxification was performed 7 to 55 days after infection, and virus-like particles of 27 to 34 nm were observed with electron microscope in stool samples. Electron microscope observation of ultra-thin liver sections showed that the virus-like particles in the liver cytoplasm were the same size as the hepatitis E virus, while the necrotic gallbladder epithelial cells were lysed in fragments of virus particle clusters. The pathological section of the liver showed necrotic liver parenchyma, local lymphocyte infiltration and a small amount of neutrophil infiltration, central vein wall destruction, lymphocyte infiltration and inflammatory cell infiltration in the portal vein area.

  [Model Evaluation and Application] In non-human primate models in my country, rhesus monkeys are usually used as animal models, while E-type animal models are used for clinical diagnosis, disease prevention, and vaccination.