【Disease Animal Model】-Transgenic animal liver cancer model

  [Modeling mechanism] A specific exogenous gene is introduced into the genome of an animal through genetic engineering, and the gene is integrated and copied to raise animals carrying the exogenous gene. Among the imported foreign genes, hepatitis B virus x (HBx) is a multifunctional protein with transactivation, which plays an important role in regulating gene transcription, cell signal transduction, cell proliferation and transformation. It is closely related to liver development. Cancer; SV40 can encode two tumor proteins (T-Ag and t-Ag), and can cause cancer by inactivating tumor suppressor genes (p53, Rb, etc.) in host cells.

  [Modeling Method] Experimental animals are mainly CD1, C57BL/6×DBA, C57BL/6×SJL, etc. The exogenous genes transferred to animals are single genes (HBx, c-myc, SV40, etc.) or double genes (c-myc/TGFα, c-myc/TGF-β1, HBx, etc.). possible. c-myc etc.). [Model Features] Single gene transfer has a higher success rate than dual gene animal models, but the time required for dual gene transfer is significantly reduced, which is very useful for research. The process of establishing the model itself can be used to study the etiology of liver cancer. In addition, the model can be studied not only at the level of tissues and entire organs, but also at the cellular and molecular levels, making it an ideal model for liver cancer etiology and drug screening.

  [Model Evaluation and Application] Transgenic animal models are suitable for studying the role of genes in the multi-step process of liver cancer formation and hepatocellular carcinoma development, and are ideal for liver cancer etiology, drug screening and clinical trials. system. Medical research, but its disadvantage is that gene mutations that can activate compensatory molecular pathways already exist in the process of embryogenesis, and the production technology requirements are relatively high, and the price is also high.