[Disease animal model]-chemically induced squamous cell carcinoma model

  1.1. Chemically induced squamous cell carcinoma model

  [Modeling mechanism] 4-nitro-winolin-1-oxide (4NQO) is a precursor carcinogen that passes through 4NQO in the body. It is further metabolized into the final carcinogen 4-acetamidoquinoline-1-oxide through prolylation, and finally combines with the affinity nuclear structure of the target organ DNA to form a DNA adduct. H.rasl gene 12 is the second The codon causes GA conversion. Mouse chromosome 7 destroys chromosomes and eventually leads to the development of squamous cell carcinoma.

  [Model Features] Low-concentration water-soluble carcinogen 4NQO successfully induced mucosal carcinogenesis in the upper digestive tract of mice. The manufacturing process is slow from precancerous lesions to cancerous changes, with similar histopathological characteristics. Humanity. When BALB/c mice were given high-concentration 4NQO drinking water (0.01%), the mucous membrane of the back tongue of the mice was rough, and white spots, gray ridges, ulcers, erosions and papillary hyperplasia were observed. Histological changes of simple epithelial hyperplasia. Mild dysplasia-moderate to severe typical dysplasia-typical pathological changes and histopathological features of carcinoma in situ are similar to human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. [Model evaluation and application] A simple method, typical lesions and reproducible models, is the best animal model for studying the mechanism of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and screening preventive and therapeutic drugs.