【Animal Modeling】-Miniature Pig Alveolar Cleft Model

  Cleft lip patients often have alveolar cr malformation. As part of the continuous treatment of cleft lip and pa cleft, they have successfully restored the alveolar cr malformation. Due to the different selection of repair materials, time and methods, it should be studied through animal experiments. Tian Kun et al. A miniature porcine alveolar cr model was established by surgical methods.

  In the experiment, 3.5-month-old Guizhou miniature pigs (weight 3.3-6.6 kg) were used. After anesthesia, the minipig lays its back on the operating table using a root incision, which is made with a blade from the crown to the root tip. Starting from the distal alveolar of the first deciduous incisor, an incision is made along the edge of the gum to the distal center of the apex of the deciduous tooth. Make a longitudinal incision from the midline of the second deciduous incisor to the gingival buccal sulcus to the gingival edge. , The same applies to the late side. The incisor method involves extracting a second lateral incisor and rotating the flap to form two pedicled mucoperiosteal flaps in the direction of the gingival-buccal sulcus. Peel the nasal mucosa from the bone surface to the outside of the incision hole, and use a small bone knife to remove the alveolar bone from the inner membrane of the incisor of the first baby tooth to the inner membrane of the baby dog, the widths of which are 8 mm and 9 mm, respectively. The nasal mucosa remains intact. Cover with the mucoperiosteal flap of the lips and suture the mucosa to suture the bone wound. After the operation, each animal was injected with 1.6 million units of penicillin for 3 consecutive days. Liquid diet was administered 3 weeks after the operation, and blood was collected from the carotid artery 10 weeks after the operation. Perform macroscopic observation, X-ray and histological examination.

  9 days after the operation, the soft tissue of the wound has healed and the laceration is still in good condition. Ten weeks after the operation, the gap was intact and no bone wound was exposed. The mucosa is smooth and the color is the same as the surrounding mucosa. The width of the gap in the specimen is basically the same as the width of the surgical resection. X-ray examination was performed 10 weeks after the operation. It showed that the shadowed area from the nasal op nerve to the anterior diagonal was clear, and the gap density gradually increased.