[Disease animal model]-Mouse model of myocarditis caused by Coxsackie virus infection

  (1) Replication method Use inbred mice weighing 18 to 20 g and 4 to 6 weeks old to inject 0.2 ml of Coxsackie B3m virus (CVB3m, Nancy strain) solution into the abdominal cavity of the mice, causing severe viruses. Myocarditis (VMC) model. .. Take samples one week after inoculation. Observation indicators: mainly include general animal conditions, such as activity, food intake, body weight, coat color and survival rate. The observation of organs mainly includes the size, texture and color of the heart, liver and heart. Spleen and heart, liver, spleen/weight (%) and thymus/weight (%), heart/liver, heart/spleen, liver/spleen, etc.; perform 10% formaldehyde and conventional HE staining to observe changes in the body.

  (2) Model characteristics The mouse myocarditis model caused by Coxsackie virus infection is simple, with high success rate, high mortality, high reproducibility, and the pathological changes are consistent with clinical viral cardiomyopathy. Used to screen antiviral myocarditis drugs.

  (3) Comparative Medicine CVB is a group of single-stranded RNA viruses, belonging to the Enterovirus genus, which can cause a variety of human diseases, such as respiratory infections, non-bacterial meningitis and myocarditis. Common pathogens. Clinical viral myocarditis After inoculation of 0.2 ml of Coxsackie B3m virus into the abdominal cavity of mice, most mice showed upright hair, soft hind limbs, eating and sparse stools. Pathological examination found that from the 4th day, the mouse heart muscle has undergone degeneration, inflammation, necrosis, pericarditis, calcification and other pathological changes. Most mice have severe cardiomyopathy, and some mice have severe cardiomyopathy. Diffuse inflammation and necrosis can be seen. The pathological changes of the viral myocarditis model are consistent.