[Disease animal model]-Chinese miniature pig heart catheterization coronary embolism myocardial infarction model

  (1) Breeding method Chinese male miniature pigs weighing 18-22 kg. Anesthesia was given by intravenous injection of 30 mg/kg sodium pentobarbital. After the animal is fixed, the femoral vein is separated to establish a venous passage for hydration and drug administration, and then ECG monitoring is performed. Perform a sterile neck incision, separate the common carotid artery, insert the artery into the sheath, anticoagulate heparin at a dose of 200 U/kg, and inject lidocaine (5 mg/) from the intravenous channel to prevent ventricular fibrillation . Be managed. .. Using the left anterior descending artery (45°), insert the right coronary artery catheter into the sheath under the X-ray machine fluoroscopy, insert it into the ascending part of the aorta, and then use the diameter megohm angiography to make the catheter opening the same as the catheter Axial coronary artery opening. Carefully insert the left anterior descending artery of the coronary artery, and then insert the embolus into the middle and lower 1/3 of the left anterior descending artery through the balloon catheter. After confirming that the blood flow is blocked by the angiography, pull out the guide wire and the balloon one by one. , Catheter and sheath, and suture the cervical incision. After 14 days of observation, the animals were sacrificed and their hearts were collected for related tests. It was executed. The selection of observation indicators includes functional indicators (electrocardiogram, echocardiography, non-invasive cardiac function measurement, tall core muscle blood flow measurement, etc.), biochemical indicators (various myocardial enzymes, myocardial metabolism and other biochemical indicators), indicators, morphological indicators (myocardial Infarct range, myocardial pathological section observation, myocardial injury and repair, myocardial cells and myocardial small blood vessels, etc.). Multi-index observation can reflect the occurrence, development, results and short-term and long-term effects of various treatments of myocardial infarction from multiple angles.

  (2) The model creation method does not require complicated operations such as thoracotomy or ligation of coronary arteries, and can avoid major animal injuries and major internal changes due to surgical trauma. It can maintain the environment of the body and keep the internal environment of the chest stable. At the same time, you can perform real-time (in vivo), long-term, continuous and dynamic observation of multiple indicators. The stable model can be used for accurate positioning and quantitative research, and the results are reliable and reproducible, so it can be used in acute trials to observe the immediate effects of drugs. It can also be used for a long time. A test that can be observed days, weeks or longer after surgery. The long-term dynamic change process and long-term efficacy of the drug. In particular, we will observe the repair process of the myocardium and the regeneration of myocardial cells and small blood vessels in the myocardium, and explain the long-term effects of various treatment methods and drugs. However, the test is technically difficult, technically skilled and complicated to operate. To be successful, you need to rely on X-ray equipment, interventional equipment and interdisciplinary cooperation.

  (3) Comparative medicine The anatomy and coronary artery characteristics of the heart and coronary artery system of Chinese miniature pigs are similar to those of dogs and other animals and humans, and their models are more similar to clinical characteristics and match each other. Cardiac catheterization can cause embolism, embolize coronary arteries, block blood flow and cause myocardial infarction.