【Animal Modeling】-Deoxycorticosterone (DOC) salt hypertension model

  (1) Reproductive methods Adult experiments usually anesthetize the rat, perform a midline abdominal incision, and remove the left kidney. After the operation, 50 mg/kg body weight deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOC) dissolved in olive oil was subcutaneously injected 5 days a week for 5 weeks while drinking 1% NaCl solution instead of drinking water. After stopping the medicine, change to ordinary water. One week after the administration, blood pressure began to rise, and after five weeks, 70% of the rats developed persistent hypertension, and rats with a systolic blood pressure higher than 160 mmHg (21.3 kPa) were used as a successful model for the test.

  (2) Model features The subcutaneous injection site needs to be replaced and disinfected frequently. Rats with only DOC are not easy to cause stable hypertension. Taking out one side of the kidney and drinking 1% NaCl can cause persistent high blood pressure. blood pressure. When creating a hypertension model, NaCl is usually used as a factor to promote the formation of hypertension. Some scholars have shown that from infancy (3 weeks), after 18 weeks of feeding a high-salt diet (containing 4% NaCl), rats can develop chronic hypertension. This is called salt-induced hypertension.

  (3) The hypertension model induced by DOC salt in comparative medicine is one of the most commonly used hypertension models. It is easy to prepare, relatively stable, and its response to antihypertensive drugs is more consistent with that of hypertensive patients. The salt-induced hypertension model does not require surgery at first, and will not affect other physiological functions of rats, but it takes a long time to establish the model.