【Animal Modeling】-Removal of baroreceptor afferent nerve-induced hypertension model

  Refers to hypertension caused by cutting the decompression nerves of the aorta and the nerves of the carotid sinus. Experiments usually use dogs and rabbits, and sometimes rats.

  (1) After the replication method is anesthetized, the dog is fixed, and the carotid arteries on both sides are divided into the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery and the external carotid artery. Separating, ligating and cutting the cervical sinus nerve, and then cutting and stabilizing the bilateral vagus nerve for about 30 minutes (when the average arterial pressure exceeds 150 mmHg (20 kPa)) will cause high blood pressure. The procedures for rabbits and rats are similar.

  (2) The characteristic of the model is the carotid sinus, and the baroreflex of the aortic arch plays a very important role in blood pressure regulation. Stimulating the efferent nerve fibers has an inhibitory effect on the vasomotor center, and its removal can lead to a continuous increase in blood pressure. This method can induce acute neurological hypertension in dogs. This kind of high blood pressure in rabbits is not as stubborn as dogs. .. The typical period does not exceed 4 months. Blood pressure can rise from 4 kPa to 6.7 kPa.

  (3) Comparative medicine The application of this model is not universal, and it is mainly suitable for acute experiments. As the hypertension caused by nerve amputation is not as stable as renal ischemic hypertension, it is not suitable for chronic experiments. In the past, sinus-aortic denervation (SAD) animals were used as models of neurogenic hypertension, but now, long-term SAD animals are believed to have increased blood volatility and lower mean arterial pressure. As a chronic hypertension model, SAD animals are often used in experimental studies of baroreflex and baroreflex fluctuations.