【Animal Modeling】-High-fat and vitamin D-induced atherosclerosis model in rats

  (1) Feeding method: Add high-fat diet (cholesterol 2%, autumn sodium 0.5%, lard 3%, propylthiouracil 0.2%, basic feed 94.3%) and vitamin D3 powder (1.25×1000000U/) The body weight of the experimental rats. About 200 grams (kg). At the beginning of the experiment, vitamin D3 injection (3 x 100,000 U/kg body weight) was injected into the muscle of the right lower limb and repeated every 30 days so that the animals could drink freely in total. Some people are forced to feed 3.2 million U/kg of vitamin D three times a day, and are fed a high-fat diet (standard diet prescription: 1% cholesterol, 0.5 bile acid), %, lard 25%, 15% egg yolk Powder) styling. After modeling, animal serum TC, TG, LDL-C and ca2 + increased significantly. The wall of the thoracic aorta was obviously thickened, with smooth muscle hyperplasia, unaligned cells, scaly or punctate calcified fibrous tissue hyperplasia, and an elastic fiber layer was observed. The structure is unknown, fibroproliferative atherosclerotic plaque is formed, the intima of the thoracic aorta is thickened, and the middle layer is atrophy.

  (2) Model characteristics: The model animal rat does not have a gallbladder. It is not easy to use a cholesterol-containing diet to increase serum cholesterol. Collate sodium, propylthiouracil and cholic acid have been added to the previous high-fat feed formula. model. Sodium can significantly increase the absorption of cholesterol. Propylthiouracil can reduce thyroid function, eventually increase TC and LDL-C, and reduce HDL-C. The combination of vitamin D can promote the absorption of calcium by the arterial wall and promote atherosclerosis; at the same time, it can form arteriosclerosis by destroying the integrity of the endothelium of the arterial wall.

  (3) Comparative medicine. The high fat and high calcium in the serum of this model rat can proliferate in the thoracic aorta instead of forming smooth muscle cells and foam cells in the mature typical atherosclerotic plaques, which may be related to the formation of proliferative fibers. The animal model of plaque is related. Use with the dose of vitamin D3.