【Animal Modeling】-A model of atherosclerosis in rabbits induced by high-fat and high-sugar feed

  (1) Reproduction method Feed a diabetic-inducing diet to male experimental rabbits weighing about 2.0 kg. The feed contains 10% lard and 37% sucrose, and each animal consumes approximately 75 grams of feed per day. Atherosclerotic lesions were observed at the expense of animals on the 24th weekend of the experiment. The test results showed that after feeding animals with diabetic diet, plasma glucose, TC and TG, plasma glucose, insulin, total triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) were significant. Is increasing. The display gradually increases. It shows a trend of continuous growth. The aorta of experimental animals all have typical fat streaks, yellow streaks of various lengths visible to the naked eye, and tiny bulges on the intimal surface. The aortic band is (8.58±1.35%)%; under an optical microscope, the elastic plates of the animal's aorta and coronary artery walls are ruptured, the vascular endothelial cells are locally shed, and many parts of the endothelial cells are proliferatively repaired. Laminar disease; Scanning electron microscope observation revealed that animal vascular endothelial cells are arranged randomly, the distance between cells is wide, the surface is rough, there are many worm-eaten changes, the endothelium is destroyed, the nucleus is exposed, more blood cells are attached, and the vascular endothelial cells can be seen locally , The elastic plate under the intima is exposed, and a large number of proliferation can be seen. Most transmission electron microscopes are derived from muscles. The blister cells and smooth muscle cells in the aorta move under the endothelium, and more monocytes attach to the intima and move.

  (2) The model features a significant increase in plasma glucose concentration will increase blood glucose levels. Hyperglycemia also produces high oxidative stress, which increases the production of oxygen free radicals and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the body, both of which can increase. Changes in LDL accelerate the formation of As. In the study of using As to establish an animal model of diabetes, rabbits were used as model animals. It is larger and easier to operate than the hamster model caused by high-fat diet and STZ intracavity injection. At the same time, the feed ingredients used in this model are similar to the current ones. Most Chinese diets are based on carbohydrates, and experimental animals also show typical insulin resistance and human-like As disease. This model is a better disease model for studying the relationship between diabetes and arsenic.

  (3) The aorta of the comparative medical model animal has a typical fat line, which is mainly distributed in the abdominal aorta, similar to the general part of human As. The rabbits used in the experiment are As sensitive animals and easy to operate. The diabetes-inducing diet used in the experiment significantly increased the AS factors such as TC, TG, LDL-C, Glu and Ins in the plasma of New Zealand rabbits. The changes in these indicators are basically similar to the common metabolic abnormalities (hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, triglycerides, etc.) in patients with type 2 diabetes.