【Animal model】-Immune normal mouse leprosy footpad infection model

  [Modeling mechanism] CFW, CBA, BALB/c, DBA and Kunming mice are all sensitive animals. Inoculate (50×1000~10×10000) bacteria per footpad / 3ml of bacteria, which can multiply to 1,000,000 after 6-8 months. Generally, 5~8 months after inoculation is logarithmic growth phase, and then enter the stable phase Recession.

  【Characteristics of the model】Leprosy bacteria grow slowly after inoculation, with limited proliferation, no changes in the appearance of the foot pads, and pathological features similar to clinical borderline tuberculosis-like leprosy lesions.

  【Model evaluation and application】This model is the most practical animal model of leprosy, and it is used in the research of leprosy bacillus identification, vitality determination, bacteria supply, and experimental chemotherapy. The normal mouse foot pad model of Leprosy has specificity, high success rate and recurrence rate, regular growth, continuous passage, and unchanged biological characteristics. The drug sensitivity test is consistent with the clinical. The source of mice is abundant, the price is low, the operation is simple and easy to manage. The disadvantage is that the leprosy bacteria grow slowly in the mouse footpads, the experiment cycle is long, and the mouse life cycle is short, which is difficult to in-depth study; the limited proliferation in the footpads, the lack of serious nerve invasion, and the lack of tumor-type leprosy lesions.