【Animal model】-Nude mouse leprosy infection model

  [Modeling mechanism] Both nude mice and nude rats are available, and nude mice are more commonly used. Vaccination via intravenous, subcutaneous, nose, lips and foot pads can cause severe systemic infections in animals. The amount of leprosy bacillus inoculation is 100-10000000/foot pad, and it can multiply to 1000000000-10000000000/foot pad.

  [Model features] Highly susceptible to leprosy bacteria, the proliferation of bacteria can cause foot pads to swell, and can spread to low body temperature parts (ears, nose, tail, face, testicles, groin and uninoculated foot pads), and finally Except for the central nervous system, almost all organs (including peripheral nerves) are invaded, and multibacterial tumor type leprosy occurs.

  [Model evaluation and application] Nude mice are a spontaneous gene mutation strain, with congenital athymus or only remnants, and no cellular immune reactivity, which is more convenient than the hypoimmune model established by artificially reducing the immunity of infected animals. The leprosy bacillus has a large multiplication rate, no other microbial contamination, and is easy to pass down and retain seeds. But it must have laboratory conditions for aseptic feeding.