【Animal Modeling】-Sepsis Rabbit Model

  (1) Breeding method After local anesthesia with procaine, a New Zealand adult white rabbit was fixed on the operating table in a supine position. Disinfect and dehair the animal's abdominal surgical site regularly. Use a scalpel to make a midline incision along the lower abdomen. The abdominal cavity opens. The cecum is divided along the distal end of the ileum and cecum. The cecum is ligated with a third ligature. silk. After 3 small holes, the peritoneum and skin were intermittently sutured with #4 silk thread to close the abdominal cavity.

  (2) Model characteristics In addition to the sepsis of the animal model replicated in this way, the content of arachidonic acid epoxidase metabolic pathway products TXA2 and PGIA2 in model animals can be significantly increased. Increase the pulmonary artery pressure in the animal. Pulmonary vascular resistance also increased significantly.

  (3) Comparative medicine The sepsis in this model is systemic, and its pathological changes are similar to endotoxin shock in animals and sepsis in humans.