【Animal Modeling】-Canine Intraperitoneal Injection of Fecal Filtrate and Abdominal Infection Model

  (1) Breeding method: Anesthetize healthy adult dogs by intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital with a body weight of 40 mg/kg. After anesthesia, the animal was fixed on the back operating table, and the abdominal surgery site was performed as usual. I disinfected it. I shaved the center of my abdomen and cut my hair along the abdomen. Cut about 2 cm of the skin with a white thread, and inject a sterile fecal suspension (2 ml per ml of body weight), E. coli solution and hydrophilic Aeromonas solution (1 ml). Put (/kg body weight) into the abdominal cavity and distribute it as evenly as possible. Next, the abdominal wall was sutured layer by layer, and peripheral blood was collected at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours after infection to measure white blood cell count (WBC) and neutrophil ratio (N%). At the same time, rectal temperature and mean arterial pressure (MAP), cytokines (TNF, IL-6), blood endotoxin levels. After infection, the model animals were drowsy, not paying attention to food, abdominal swelling, and occasionally diarrhea. After autopsy of the model animals, the naked eyes showed severe intra-abdominal infection, a lot of purulent, unpleasant odor, cloudy exudate, serous edema of the intestine, and congestion and stasis in the abdominal cavity.

  (2) Model characteristics The animal fecal suspension used in this model method not only contains endotoxins produced by the decay of bacteria after death, but is also cultured for the growth and reproduction of live bacteria, and it is also a kind of medicine. It can also cause chemical inflammation. Hydrophilic Aeromonas is a pathogen that can cause certain diseases in humans. After infection, it may cause cytoitis, sepsis and surgical incision infection in humans. Therefore, in this model, a certain amount of sterile suspension, live E. coli and live hydrophilic Aeromonas are injected into the abdominal cavity of the dog. In addition to causing severe intra-abdominal infections, model animals can also show systemic inflammation.

  (3) The animal model of peritoneal infection replicated by comparative medicine in this way is similar to human spontaneous bacterial peritonitis caused by gram-negative bacteria. This modeling method simulates the direct penetration of bacteria in human idiopathic bacterial peritonitis. The intestinal wall can move to the mesenteric lymph nodes and enter the abdominal cavity, allowing the intestinal bacteria in the cavity to enter the portal blood stream and directly enter the systemic circulation through the collateral circulation. At the same time, the clinical manifestations of the model animals are similar. For human idiopathic bacterial peritonitis.