【Animal Modeling】-Using endotoxin method to induce corneal neovascularization model

  (1) Prepare sustained-release endotoxin polymer pellets by the replication method: wash the ethylene-vinyl acetate polymer beads with high-purity hexanal to the purity of the spectrophotometric method, and dissolve the polymer in chlorine at room temperature Methane to 10% (w). v) Final concentration. A certain percentage of E. coli endotoxin was mixed with 10% Elvax and stirred vigorously to form a uniform suspension. Endotoxin pill formula: Required endotoxin percentage = X / (0.1 + X), X = endotoxin mg/ml polymer. The endotoxin Elvax suspension was dropped onto an 8-well glass plate with a sterile dropper, polymerization was performed to complete the polymerization, and then 1.3 mg/pill of 1 mm3 size was prepared. After UV disinfection, store at -40°C for use. Corneal sac preparation: under aseptic conditions, general anesthesia from the edge of the rabbit ears, local anesthesia from 1% dicaine, to central intravenous injection, the dose is 25%/kg body weight of 3% pentobarbital sodium. A 1/2 inch incision was made for 25 mg/kg body weight 1.5 mm to subtly separate the 1/2 inch corneal sac from the corneal ring to 2.0 mm at 6 o'clock. The glass sleeve is transplanted into the prepared sustained-release tablet, and the incision of the capsule bag is rearranged for healing.

  (2) Model characteristics: 10% endotoxin polymer can realize obvious corneal neovascularization, accompanied by slight corneal edema. It can induce a suitable animal model of corneal neovascularization. Excessive endotoxin concentration will promote corneal inflammation, matrix turbidity and the fusion of new blood vessel growth, thereby affecting the accuracy of new blood vessel measurement and calculation. If the concentration is too low, the inductance is too strong and not suitable for the following requirements: model.

  (3) Comparative medicine uses endotoxin-induced CNV secondary to inflammation, and inflammation stimulation is positively correlated with the induction of new blood vessels. The angiogenesis process induced by endotoxin may be regulated by the bFGF factor secreted by macrophages. Compared with the CNV model caused by corneal stromal tumor transplantation, thermal ablation and physical and chemical burns, the biggest advantage of this model is that new blood vessels grow in the form of directional bundles and are repeatedly stable, and the accuracy of measurement and quantitative analysis is significantly higher.