How to prepare an animal model of kidney deficiency syndrome?

  Kidney is the foundation of nature. Nephrasthenia syndrome (nephrasthenia syndrome) is one of the main types of TCM syndromes, mainly including kidney-yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency, kidney qi deficiency and kidney essence deficiency. The kidney yang is the yuan yang of man. The life activities of the various organs of the human body depend on the warmth and promotion of the kidney yang. The animal model of kidney-yang deficiency is the earliest and most extensively studied syndrome model at present, and its modeling methods are many.

  (1) Room Overwork Law

  【Modeling mechanism】According to the theory of kidney deficiency caused by overwork in traditional Chinese medicine, excessive fatigue and frequent mating of mice can cause kidney deficiency animal models.

  [Modeling method] Inject female mice subcutaneously with a long-acting contraceptive injection, and enter estrus in about 3 days, which can be confirmed by vaginal smear examination of keratinocytes, and then the male mice are caged with an estrus female mouse with only vaginal suppository for 1 day. Then the male rats and 5 female rats in estrus were caged together, and the female rats in estrus were replaced in time. Male rats swim once a day in the morning and afternoon, and fish out each time when they are unable to continue swimming and are about to sink.

  [Characteristics of the model] It was observed that the animals gradually developed symptoms of kidney-yang deficiency such as chills, coldness, malaise, and less activity. The animals were sacrificed 4 weeks later, and the thymus, adrenal glands, and testes were quickly taken out to determine the relevant indicators. Animal body weight, testicular weight, thymus weight, total testicular lactate dehydrogenase activity, and relative activity of lactate dehydrogenase isoform X decreased.

  [Model Evaluation and Application] The model-building factors of this model are more consistent with the cause of kidney deficiency syndrome in TCM. The kidney-deficiency syndrome model has been widely used in the pathological research of kidney-deficiency syndrome and aging, and the pharmacological research of kidney-tonifying Chinese medicine.

  (two) estradiol benzoate method

  [Modeling mechanism] The drug induced depression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonad axis in mice, resulting in a kidney-yang deficiency model. Animals showed signs of reduced mobility and decreased fatigue resistance.

  [Method of Modeling] ICR mice were intraperitoneally injected with 0.4mg/mm estradiol benzoate soy oil diluent at 0.1ml/10g, once a day. Continuous injection for 15 days resulted in a kidney-yang deficiency model. The signs of mice, rectal temperature, holding power, swimming time, autonomous activities, serum creatinine and urea, hematological indicators, testes and seminal vesicles were measured.

  【Features of the model】The model mice stand upright with sweaty fur, lethargic, hunched back, and prefer to squeeze but not move. The rectal temperature decreased significantly, the swimming time decreased, the mice's grasping power decreased, the number of autonomous activities decreased, the serum creatinine and urea increased, the red blood cell parameters increased, the white blood cell parameters decreased or remained unchanged, and the testis and seminal vesicle gland indexes decreased.

  [Model Evaluation and Application] This model introduces modern medical testing methods and indicators to make the research more objective and credible, and is mostly used in the pharmacological research of kidney-yang deficiency.

  (3) Thyroidectomy

  [Modeling mechanism] The metabolism of hypothyroid patients generally slows down, and the basal metabolic rate decreases. Most patients with hypothyroidism based on traditional Chinese medicine have symptoms of yang deficiency in the spleen and kidney. Therefore, the animal model of "Yang deficiency" caused by removal of the thyroid gland can simulate human Yang deficiency syndrome.

  [Method of Modeling] Splague Dawley rats weighing between (280±20)g were raised at room temperature, the air humidity was controlled, and the water and food were freely consumed. The rat was removed from the thyroid and continued feeding.

  [Model Features] After 7 days, the rats had symptoms of kidney-yang deficiency such as eating and drinking less, weight loss, slow response, reduced activity, arched back hair, dull coat color, easy to fall off, loose stools, etc.

  [Model evaluation and application] This model can be combined with differential proteomics to study the proteome of the liver mitochondria in rats with kidney-yang deficiency, and to study the pathogenesis of rats with kidney-yang deficiency.