【Animal Modeling】-Using immunogenic methods to induce corneal neovascularization model

  (1) Replication method Experimental animals are usually selected from guinea pigs (8-10 weeks old) and rats (6-8 weeks old). Excessive carbon dioxide kills the guinea pigs and inhales the central cornea of the guinea pigs, and then splits them with guinea pig eggs. The 3.5 mm troponin serves as the donor and the rat serves as the recipient. Ketamine (60-80 mg/kg body weight) and xylazine (5-10 mg/kg body weight) were injected intramuscularly, and then 0.1% propoxybenzophenone hydrochloride and general anesthesia were performed with a conventional corneal transplant prescription before surgery . The recipient's implant bed was made with 3.0 mm phenylalanine, and the donor's cornea was sutured to the recipient's implant bed with 12 intermittent sutures of 11-0 nylon thread. After the operation, apply gentamicin ointment to the eyes. Half of the sutures were removed 5 days after the operation, and the remaining sutures were removed on the 8th day. Usually, 6-8 days after surgery, the graft will show edema and dense growth of blood vessels.

  (2) Model characteristics The mechanism of this model is that there are two antigen systems HLA and ABO in the human cornea. HLA antigens have different germ lines. This difference can induce allogeneic and immunity. Refuse. After the foreign antigen enters the human body, it will cause the human body to produce cells or antibodies with immune function. The local donor antigen combines with antibodies and immune cells from the systemic immune system to form an antigen-antibody complex, which activates complement and stimulates a strong immune response. Cause the infiltration of lymphocytes and lymphokines. These play an important role in inducing corneal neovascularization.

  (3) Comparative medicine Allogeneic keratoplasty or intracorneal injection of bovine albumin is an important method for inducing immunogenic CNV animal models. It mainly studies immunogenic CNV and the regulatory mechanism of CNV, and is used to evaluate transplant rejection therapy.