How to prepare animal model of liver depression?

  Liver syndromes are based on positive evidence, which are caused by emotional depression, depression of anger and injury to the liver, or liver depression and transformation of fire; insufficient blood production and too much blood loss; deficiency of liver and kidney yin and inability to restrict liver yang; feeling the evil of damp heat, including Stagnation of liver qi, inflammation of liver fire, insufficient liver blood, hyperactivity of liver yang, damp-heat of liver and gallbladder, deficiency of liver and kidney yin, etc.

  【Modeling mechanism】Modeling based on the theory of "Anger hurts the liver, long-term depression" in Chinese medicine.

  【Modeling method】The method of establishing liver-stagnation syndrome model includes CCl4 injection, irritation, restraint method and other methods. Use the irritation method: male Wistar rats (weight 300-400g), 3 in the same cage, the size of the cage is 20cm×20cm×20cm. Clamp the tail of one of the animals with gauze-wrapped hemostatic forceps with the tip, and make it fight with other rats, indirectly irritating other rats in the whole cage. Indirectly irritated rats were used as experimental rats. Stimulate for 30 minutes each time, with no bleeding as the degree, stimulate once every 3 hours, 4 times a day, and the number of days for modeling is 2 days.

  【Features of the model】The model animal’s food intake is significantly reduced, the hair becomes dark, yellow, unsatisfactory, nervous, anxious, and the food intake is significantly reduced, that is, the model is successful. Main evaluation indicators: The platelet aggregation rate was significantly increased in biochemical examination, whole blood viscosity and plasma specific viscosity were increased, recalcification time was prolonged, hematocrit decreased, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate increased; platelet ultrastructure changes under electron microscope: platelets were dendritic Protrusions and many micro-protrusions, and most of them are adhesions; the study of gastrointestinal motility: the rate of gastric residue increases, the rate of small intestine advancement decreases, and the level of plasma somatostatin increases.

  【Model evaluation and application】The model can be used in the study of stress theory and psychiatric medicine, as well as in the study of liver depression essence and liver-relieving drugs.