【Animal Modeling】-High intraocular pressure animal model

  1 Acute ocular hypertension model

  (1) Copy method ①: Under thiopental sodium anesthesia, insert a healthy rabbit into the anterior chamber with a 26-gauge needle (close the needle tip and make a hole on the side), and add saline into the water. Fill the bottle with an infusion set The pressure is maintained at 70 mmHg (9.3 kPa). After measuring the intraocular pressure, it can be seen that the pressure is relatively stable and does not fluctuate more than 2mmHg (0.3kPa). ) A total of 3 hours.

  Method (2): Under the supervision of a saline recorder, the rat's anterior chamber is pressurized to 70 mmHg (9.3 kPa) with saline and kept for 3 hours to create a high intraocular pressure model. . Method ③: As described above, the perfusion method is performed in the anterior chamber of the monkey eye, and the intraocular pressure is 33 to 34 mmHg (4.4 to 4.5 kPa) within 3 to 7 hours. Method ④: After receiving normal saline, by piercing the anterior chamber of a rabbit pressurized with a sphygmomanometer, a high intraocular pressure model can be obtained, with an intraocular pressure exceeding 60 mmHg (8.0 kPa). (2) Model characteristics The acute hypertension animal model is an animal model artificially obtained by temporarily increasing the intraocular pressure of the animal's eyes. It is mainly used for the pathophysiological changes and drug effects of glaucoma for observation. The mechanism of intraocular pressure. (3) Comparative medical methods for replicating acute ocular hypertension animal models include anterior chamber, vitreous cavity perfusion, water load, intravenous injection of hypertonic fluid and other drug induction. The modeling method is widely used because it is easy to create, can be connected to a pressure device or pressure gauge, and provides high amplitude intraocular pressure. The principle of vitreous cavity perfusion is similar to that of anterior chamber perfusion, but vitreous puncture can cause greater damage to the eye. Due to the small increase in intraocular pressure and short maintenance time, water load, intravenous hypertonic injection and other drug-induced modeling methods usually cannot meet the requirements of experimental research. 2 Chronic high intraocular pressure model (1) Copy method The rabbit cornea and sclera were pierced into the anterior chamber, 0.25 ml of aqueous humor was extracted, and the same amount of 20 g/L methylcellulose was injected. If you find that the intraocular pressure decreases after the operation, you can inject 0.1 ml of methyl cellulose to keep the experimental intraocular pressure at 4.0-5.2 kPa, and the duration of the high intraocular pressure can exceed 2-3 weeks.

  (2) Model features Methyl cellulose anterior chamber injection can be used to obtain long-term models of moderate and high blood pressure. Currently, this is a reliable method to create an animal model of chronic ocular hypertension. Among them, 1% to 2% methyl cellulose of 4000 cps becomes an effective material due to its high viscosity.

  (3) Comparative medicine. The morphology of many mammals is different from that of humans, such as the collateral ligament and scleral plexus, but the outflow channel of aqueous humor is the same as that of humans. There are continuous endothelial cells. The lining allows it to be used to create models of high intraocular pressure. Rabbits are the most commonly used, monkeys are the most ideal. The main modeling method is to prevent the drainage of aqueous humor from outside the eye, for example, ligating the vortex vein or blood vessel behind the eye, trapping the suprascleral venous plexus of rabbit eyes, including thermal ligation or chemical ligation. Burn limbs and subconjunctival tissues to form scars. Silicone tape penetrates the equatorial area of the eye; inject air, cotton, wool, liquid silicone, etc. to prevent aqueous humor from flowing out of the anterior chamber angle. Mineral oil, methylcellulose, α-chymotrypsin, ghost cells, laser damage to the anterior chamber, trabecular meshwork and other methods; eyeball contusion, anterior chamber puncture and other methods to stimulate the iris. However, most methods increase intraocular pressure and are accompanied by obvious inflammation. The comprehensive comparison results show that the methylcellulose induction method is a relatively simple and reliable modeling method.