【Animal Modeling】-Animal Model of Retinal Neovascularization

  (1) Reproduction method (1) Place 7-day-old C57BL/6N mice in a 75% oxygen environment, control at room temperature (23±2) ℃, and return to the atmosphere after 5 days. (2) Rats born on the 7th day enter a semi-enclosed oxygen box made of plexiglass. The oxygen box is filled with medical oxygen, and the oxygen saturation in the box is maintained at 75% for 5 days. Every other oxygen box is opened. Anniversary of cleaning, adding food and changing water. The time is about 5 minutes. After 5 days, the rats were transferred to a normal oxygen environment and kept for another 7 days.

  (2) Model characteristics: On the 19th day, fluorescein was perfused into retinal blood vessels, which significantly changed the morphology and distribution of retinal blood vessels, lost normal and regular network distribution, and reduced macrovascular diseases. Enlarged, larger non-perfused area, and a large number of newborns. The formation of vascular buds. The histopathological section of the retina showed that the surface of the retina had lost its normal smooth interface. Many capillaries pass through the inner limiting membrane of the retina and grow into vitreous, forming many new blood vessel buds on the anterior wall and superficial layer. Vitreous hemorrhage in the retina. The appearance of new blood vessels on the retina is more mature in medicine.

  (3) usually cause vision loss or vision loss. Retinal neovascularization is more common in diabetic retinopathy, retinopathy of prematurity, and ischemic retinal vein thrombosis, and its causes are complex. It is generally believed that the mechanism of angiogenesis is mainly due to the destruction of the balance and regulation of angiogenesis under pathological conditions. In normal eye tissue, blood vessel growth is controlled by two opposing regulatory systems. These are factors that promote and inhibit the growth of blood vessels. In certain pathological conditions, such as diabetes, premature infants, and ocular trauma, this imbalance causes an increase in the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) content in the retina and the formation of new blood vessels. After a few days in a hyperoxic environment, the newborn rat returned to a normal oxygen environment. Hypoxia promotes angiogenesis by releasing VEGF, and its retina may show the growth of hemangioma and other changes similar to human retinopathy of prematurity, making it very suitable for experiments and can be used as an animal model. Retinal neovascularization.