[Animal Modeling]-Rabbit scald model

  (1) Copy method The day before the experiment, use 2.5g experimental rabbits plus 100g/L sodium sulfide, 12 hours before fasting and drinking. After general anesthesia and inhalation of ether, the rat's back and torso were immersed in 95°C constant temperature water for 30 seconds, causing 3 degree burns on 30% of the human body's surface area.

  (2) The 48-hour post-burn model is characterized by a decrease in mean arterial pressure in rabbits, a significant increase in total peripheral vascular resistance, and a significant decrease in cardiac index. Blood creatine phosphokinase, glutamate aminotransferase, urea and lung permeability index all increased significantly; arterial oxygen partial pressure and blood oxygen saturation did not reach the level of respiratory insufficiency, but arterial oxygen partial pressure increased significantly High, the animal’s heart, liver and three kidney organs become dysfunctional and lung function declines. Heart failure is especially serious. Creatine phosphokinase is more than 190 times higher than the normal control, and the heart index is less than 1/24 of the normal control.

  (3) Compared with burns, the mean arterial pressure of rabbits decreased after 48 hours, but it was still within the normal range, the central arterial pressure did not change significantly, and the total peripheral vascular resistance increased significantly. Cause After frostbite, there may be a large number of plasma samples in the blood vessels. Bleeding of fluid can cause insufficient blood volume. Both pressure stimuli such as burns and hypovolemia can spontaneously stimulate the sympathetic nerve-adrenal medulla system. In addition, insufficient blood volume can cause activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. This is similar to the index change in the dog burn model of multiple organ failure. The average arterial pressure of the model replicated in this way is still within the normal range, but there are certain limitations in using blood pressure as a standard in the clinical treatment of burn patients due to organ damage. Before the patient lowers blood pressure, blood pressure drops. Multiple organ failure occurred. The pulmonary function index of model animals tends to decrease, and the permeability of pulmonary capillaries increases, but it does not reach the level of respiratory failure. In clinical practice, if there is inhalation injury, the degree of lung injury may be high. Ether inhalation is a better method of anesthesia and can be used to establish multiple organ failure models of burns. You can wake up and move within a minute after the burn. However, sodium pentobarbital is anesthetized by intravenous injection (30 mg/). In burns (weight kg), the time from anesthesia to awakening is as long as 2 to 3 hours, and after burns, people often die from not awakening from anesthesia.