[Animal Modeling]-Chronic experimental epilepsy model caused by ferrous sulfate

  (1) Reproduction method: A healthy male rabbit weighing 2-3 kg. Pentobarbital sodium is anesthetized by intravenous injection of 25-30 mg/kg body weight, fixed in a stereotactic fixation device, the hair on the crown is cut off, and the skin of the surgical site is disinfected. Aseptically, make a 3 cm incision in the center of the head, separate the muscle and periosteum, and wipe the surface of the skull with an ethanol cotton pad. According to the positioning coordinates of the Sawyer rabbit brain map (coordinate position: A3mm, L2mm, L5mm, drug catheter diameter: 0.9mm, inner diameter: 0.55mm), place the intracerebroventricular drug delivery catheter and set the recording electrode (coordinate location: A10)). , P10, LL3, RR3mm)), fixed with denture powder. After a week or two, normal brain waves were used in the experiment.

  Prepare a 3% ferrous sulfate solution in physiological saline, and slowly inject it through a quantitative catheter (about 2 minutes) at a dose of 0.3 mg/kg body weight and 15 μl/kg body weight. After the administration, continuously observe the overall activity of the animal, as well as the seizures, the duration of maintenance and disappearance, the type of epilepsy and the death time of the animal, and the changes in cortical radio waves before and after the administration of ferrous sulfate.

  (2) Model features: Most animals have reduced autonomic nervous activity after iron injection, but a few animals may rotate to one side and increase spontaneous activity or running. After 2-8 hours, approximately 85% of the animals develop a typical clonic epilepsy: facial muscle clonus, clonic teeth and forearm neck muscles become tense and clonic, and the forelimbs are lifted and clonic. Sexual movement. After that, the two forelimbs were raised in the "kangaroo pose" and the entire upper body was cloned. The head is tilted to the side or back, salivation, increased bowel movements, and slow movements. If the clonic seizure is severe and affects all muscles, the animal will lose balance and fall to the ground. Most animals have seizures every 5-20 minutes, and each seizure lasts 1-3 minutes. Most symptoms gradually worsen, eventually leading to tonic convulsions and death. Most deaths take about 5 days. Some animals eventually returned to normal.

  (3) Comparative medicine This model is similar to epilepsy caused by clinical brain trauma. After the brain is injured, the small blood vessels in the brain rupture, the plasma overflows, and the iron ions contained in it accumulate in the cortex to form epileptic foci and cause epileptic seizures.