【Animal Modeling】-Aural seizure epilepsy model

  Auditory seizures are a kind of motor seizures, mainly caused by rodents, and are sensitive to auditory seizures when stimulated by bells. At present, there are three purebreds: DBA/2J, A/J and Team LB/L. They are commonly used in hearing-induced epilepsy-sensitive mice, and they are rarely used in China. In rats with P77-PMC auditory epilepsy, the seizure rate is greater than 80%. It is characterized by the onset of 2-3 weeks after birth, reaching the peak of sexual maturity, and lasting a lifetime without repeated attacks. It is widely used in the research of antiepileptic drugs and the etiology of epilepsy in China.

  (1) Copy method The experimental device is a hearing seizure device made of two-layer plexiglass cylinder. The outer cylinder has a diameter of 50 cm and a height of 65 cm. The inner cylinder has a diameter of 35 cm and can move freely. 65 cm high. The upper part of the device is equipped with a 110-120dB high-pitched electric bell for stimulation, while the lower part has a door that can be opened and closed freely for animals to enter and exit.

  Male and female adult P77-PMC rats were used. Before the experiment, they were fasted for 12 hours, fasted, placed in the auditory seizure device, and given 60 ringing stimuli once a day for 3 consecutive days. Under the same conditions, animals should be stimulated at a constant time every day, and animals with a constant response should be used in the experiment.

       (2)The model is characterized in that when a sensitive animal is stimulated with a strong bell, a typical motor seizure occurs. Seizures can be divided into four types: running type I (animal runs only once during the bell stimulation in the 1960s without seizures); running type II (with running and resting time, convulsions do not occur until the stimulation stops); epileptic seizures Type I (animal runs only once and then has a seizure); Type II (animal runs twice and has a seizure). After the administration, the intensity of the reaction was measured again within a certain period of time. The first part of a hearing attack is the brainstem or midbrain, but there is no organic disease in the brain tissue, and its behavior is the same as that of a normal rat that is not stimulated and is not sensitive to hearing attacks. (3) Comparative medicine. Auditory seizures are similar to human photosensitivity and tonic-clonic seizures. They are hereditary. They are usually used to study the cause of antiepileptic drugs and primary epilepsy. This is used for epilepsy. Pathological model.