【Animal Modeling】-Platform sleep deprivation technology

  The sleep deprivation principle of the platform is to use the mouse’s fear of water and the lifestyle of being unable to sleep in the water. By placing the platform in the water tank, the mouse can stand on the platform. This is due to the small diameter of the platform. When it is enough (≤6.5cm), when the rat enters a sleep state, the tension of the whole body muscles will be reduced, and the head will be bent rhythmically (in contact with water), thereby achieving the purpose of depriving sleep. The model is simple, easy to implement, does not require complex and expensive equipment, and can be run under various conditions in the laboratory, making it versatile. The body weight of both female and male rats is 180-220 grams.

  1 Single platform sleep deprivation method (single platform method, SP)

  (1) Copy method Place a small cylindrical platform (about 6.5 cm in diameter) on a 40 cm x 34 cm x 16 cm sink, and add water to the sink. sink. It is about 1 cm from the surface of the water. Place a mouse on a small platform. Rats can stand on the platform and enter non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM). When the rat enters REM sleep, the tension of the skeletal muscle of the whole body is significantly reduced. Tight neck muscles can cause rhythmic bending (contact with water), preventing them from entering the REM. (2) Model characteristics SP experiments showed that the weight of animals and thymus decreased, the weight of adrenal glands, plasma corticosterone (CORT) increased, the aggressive behavior of the animals increased, and the body's immune response increased. This model still has the shortcomings of separation of rats from the group, and limited space for movement.

  2Multi-platform method (MP)

  (1) Copy method In MP, in order to expand the activity space of rats, SP increased the number of small platforms from 1 to 7, and one rat was still undergoing sleep deprivation test. A small platform. Rats can move freely among the seven small platforms, which makes their range of movement larger than SP.

  (2) Model features This method is developed based on SP and aims to overcome the shortcomings of SP's limited space for activities. After experimental comparison, there are still some indicators that reflect the increase in MP pressure, such as the increase in the weight of the adrenal gland and the decrease in the weight of the thymus. Compared with the SP model, the increase of ACTH and CORT in the blood of rats, and even the increase of adrenal gland weight is also higher. , Which shows that MP is better than SP. More pressure.

  3 Improved multi-platform sleep deprivation method (Modified Multi-Platform, MMP)

  (1) Copy method This method is used to overcome the pressure response caused by group separation. It is an MP method and has been further improved. Using MMP, 10 rats (the specific number can be determined according to actual needs) are placed in a water tank (127 cm x 44 cm x 45 cm) with 14 to 15 small experimental platforms at the same time. This can avoid SP and MP. The results of separating rats from this group also retained the characteristics of increased MP range of motion. The 10 rats required for the experiment were placed in the same cage for 2 weeks before the sleep deprivation experiment, and these rats were put together for the sleep deprivation experiment at the same time during the experiment. The shortcomings of stability. This can minimize experimental uncertainty.

  (2) Model characteristics Take steps to maintain the stability of the rat population and avoid the separation of rats from the population during MMP. After the rat’s adrenal gland weight, weight loss, and serum adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) adrenocorticotropic hormone (CORT) content are lower than The content of MP indicates that MMP is less stressful than MP and is an ideal method of sleep deprivation.