【Animal Modeling】-Rotating Cylinder Sleep Deprivation Method

  (1) The replication method is mainly composed of a cylindrical cylinder and a small low-speed motor, with a diameter of 30 cm and a height of 30 cm. The bottom is made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and the side walls are made of 1.04 cm in diameter. Made of PVC, the length of the rods is 30 cm, and the distance between the rods is 1.55 cm. The cylinder is connected to a small electric motor with a speed of 1 revolution/45 seconds. At least 2 days before the experiment, the rats were put into the cylinder and adapted to the environment once a day for 3 hours or more. During the experiment, the motor rotates at a constant speed for 1 yen/45 seconds to drive the rat to continuously rotate the cylinder, thereby achieving the purpose of reducing sleep.

  Many changes have taken place in this way. Marcos et al. adjusted the drum speed to 2-3/min during sleep deprivation in newborn rats, and then gradually increased it to 6-7r/min. Shen et al. The syringe rotates 180° every 180 minutes within 30 seconds to achieve the purpose of reducing sleep.

  (2) Model features This type of method is simple and easy to implement, and the effect of sleep deprivation is also obvious. The disadvantage is that long-term uninterrupted exercise will stimulate the stress response after exercise. Physical fati