【Animal Modeling】-Human Cytomegalovirus-induced Cervical Cancer Model in Mice

  (1) Replication method HCM VAD169 strain is regularly inoculated with HEL (human embryo lung) cells with an infectivity of 10-6TCID50 virus suspension. If it appears that more than 75% of the cells are affected, they are harvested and quickly frozen and thawed. Sonicate 3 times, centrifuge at 1000g x 10 minutes for 10 minutes, then discard cell debris. Inoculate the HCMV suspension into a blood plate and observe at 37°C for 48 hours to confirm that there is no bacterial growth, and then expose the virus suspension to two 15 W ultraviolet rays at a distance of 20 cm for 12 minutes .. minutes to inactivate the virus suspension. Take two-month-old female KM mice, use a small piece of sterile medical gelatin sponge to absorb the inactivated virus suspension, and put the mouse vagina directly into the cervix three times a week for 8 weeks. local. Optical microscopy revealed that cervical epithelial hyperplasia with obvious squamous epithelial cell infiltration continuously changed the mouse cervix from normal cervical epithelium to atypical epithelium, followed by histological diseases of invasive carcinoma, which obviously will continue to evolve into Physical changes.

  (2) Model characteristics After repeated vaccination of virus-infected mice, it may induce abnormal cervical epithelial cell development and invasive cancer in model mice. The positive rate of HCMV antigen in mouse cervical cancer tissue was 100%, and the HCMV antibody titer in the serum reached 1:167; the positive rate of ANAE in lymphocytes of mice inoculated with HCMV decreased, but the HCMV induction process was severely damaged. This model is suitable for studying the mechanism of HCMV induction.

  (3) Comparative medicine. After HCMV repeatedly infects the cervix of mice, the cervix of the mice continuously changes from normal cervical epithelium to atypical epithelium, followed by histopathology of invasive carcinoma, which continues to evolve into cervical changes and be affected by HSV. Infection-2, similar to the cervical state of mice, this model can be used to study the mechanism of HSV induction.