How to prepare animal model of cold syndrome and heat syndrome?

  Cold and heat are two guidelines for distinguishing the nature of diseases. Cold syndrome (cold syndrom) is mostly caused by exogenous yin and cold, or chronic internal injury, yang depletion, and internal yin evil; heat syndrome (pyretic syndrome) is mostly caused by exogenous fiery heat, or the seven emotions transforming fire. Or the diet is irregular, the accumulation is heat, or yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity are caused. The syndrome types mainly include deficiency-cold syndrome, deficiency-heat syndrome, cold-experimental syndrome, and actual-heat syndrome.

  [Modeling mechanism] There are also many methods for making animal models of cold and heat syndromes, such as cold-heat medicinal method, low-temperature freezing method, qi method, pungent and warm food method, starvation and cold method, etc. The commonly used method is to cause the animals to take cold and heat prescriptions to change their constitution and cause deficiency-cold syndrome and deficiency-heat syndrome.

  [Modeling method] Use male rats, weighing 180-220g, and use warming medicine for deficiency-heat syndrome. Aconite: Cinnamon: Dried ginger is made into a water decoction at a ratio of 1:1:1, and the dosage is 20g/( kg·d), the number of days of medication is 14 days; the cold and cold medicine is used for the deficiency-cold syndrome Anemarrhena: gypsum: Phellodendron: Gentiana in a ratio of 1.5:2:1:1.2 to make a water decoction. 20g/(kg·d) for 21 days.

  【Features of the model】 Rats with heat syndrome have found that their gastric mucosa has obvious damage, atrophy and proliferation changes, and the bleeding rate increases. The image of the tongue showed that the tongue was reddish, the tongue surface was old, the tongue coating epithelial proliferation accelerated, and the metabolism was vigorous, basically in line with the manifestation of the syndrome of Yin deficiency and heat in TCM. Rats with cold syndrome gradually showed the characteristics of dirty hair, hair loss, lethargy, curled up, fatigue, loose stools, diarrhea, and light tongue, etc., slowed weight gain, lower body temperature, reduced food intake, shortened swimming time, and increased plasma cGMP , CAMP/cGMP has a decreasing trend, ovarian index is significantly reduced, lactate dehydrogenase activity is significantly increased, etc.

  [Model Evaluation and Application] At present, the models for cold-heat syndrome are mostly limited to the deficiency syndrome, and the indicators often only explain a certain aspect of the problem, lacking integrity. This model is mostly used for pathological research of deficiency-cold and deficiency-heat syndrome.