【Animal modeling】-Human cytomegalovirus HCMV infection animal gastrointestinal tissue injury model

  (1) Replication method Collect Wistar rats and New Zealand rabbits of 2.0 to 2.2 kg weighing 220 to 250 g, and intravenously inject 0.1 ml of HCM VAD169 strain virus solution with TCID50 of 10-6 and 10-4. Some animals have sparse mucus after 20 days of virus inoculation to rabbits and 30 days after rats. Degeneration or necrosis of intestinal tissue cells can be seen in both rats and rabbits infected by the virus. The intestinal tissue has severe pathological damage, is transparent, and has multiple perforated lesions. Pathological observation under the microscope showed extensive necrosis of intestinal mucosa and smooth muscle tissue. The gastric mucosa penetrates the muscle layer in multiple parts, and lymphocyte infiltration can be seen. Visible at autopsy. The intestinal mucosa and smooth muscle are severely necrotic, accompanied by multiple perforated lesions.

  (2) Model characteristics Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization detected HCMV DNA fragments in the gastrointestinal mucosal cells of the virus-infected animals, and caused the proliferation of HCMV in the gastrointestinal mucosa to become a pathological phenomenon, which is related to it. HCMV can infect animal gastrointestinal tissues, cause gastrointestinal tissue inflammation, and in severe cases can also cause fatal injuries.

  (3) Compared with the medical part, the food intake of rats and rabbits infected with the virus is reduced. Rats and rabbits have similar characteristics of gastrointestinal tissue damage, with mild gastric mucosal lymphocyte infiltration and severe intestinal mucosal necrosis. The pathological damage to the intestinal tissue of the rats that died of the disease is serious, and it is the main cause of animal death after virus inoculation.