[Animal Modeling]-Chronic Renal Failure

  1. Chronic renal failure caused by freezing of rats [Surgical procedure] Male rats 200-300 g (proteinuria was not measured before surgery). After anesthesia, cut the left side of the abdomen to expose the left side, and remove the kidney myocardium. Expose, peel. Place the cold knife (1.2 cm x 0.8 cm x 15 cm) pre-soaked in a liquid nitrogen bottle in a total of four parts, namely the upper and lower poles of the kidney and the front and back of the exterior. I froze my kidneys. After 40 seconds each time, I reset the kidney and completed the operation. Two weeks later, the right kidney was surgically removed. After the operation, it was placed in a metabolic cage and showed stable chronic renal failure within 6 to 12 weeks, and was used for the experiment from the 8th week. [Result analysis] Observation indicators include body weight, survival rate, serum creatinine, serum total protein and albumin, serum urea nitrogen and renal pathological examination.

  2. Chronic renal failure caused by partial nephrectomy in rats [Surgical procedure] About 200 g of male rats (proteinuria was not measured before the operation), after anesthesia, an incision was made in the center of the abdomen to expose the right kidney. . Strip the kidney tendons, ligate the kidney door, and remove the right kidney to protect the adrenal glands. After that, the left kidney was exposed, the kidney parenchyma at the upper and lower poles was quickly removed, and the bleeding was stopped by compression. The abdominal cavity was closed, and after the operation, the animal was placed in a metabolic cage, which showed stable chronic renal failure at 14-16 weeks and was available for experiments at 14 weeks. [Result analysis] Observation indicators include body weight, survival rate, serum creatinine, serum total protein and albumin, serum urea nitrogen and renal pathological examination.