【Animal Modeling】-Mice Model of Renal Tubular Necrosis

  [Operation steps] BALB/c mice, placed in an environment containing 5 mg of chloroform per liter of air, for 3 hours, can cause kidney necrosis to varying degrees.

  [Analysis of results] The incidence of male mice born between 46 and 106 days can be as high as 90%. After 24 hours in the chloroform aerosol, the animal's kidney histological observation showed that the kidney was extensively damaged and the renal tubules were obviously necrotic.

  7.8.2 Rat model of acute tubular necrosis

  [Operation steps] SD or Wistar rats, weighing 190-250g, were raised in a metabolic cage before the experiment, and food, drinking water and urine output were recorded. During the experiment, 1.0 mg/kg mercury chloride was injected from the tail vein. Acute tubular necrosis phenotype appeared after 24 hours.

  [Result analysis] 24 hours after the tail vein injection of mercuric chloride, the urine volume was significantly reduced, the urine osmotic concentration was reduced, and cytological changes appeared. Renal necrosis was seen near the end of the convoluted tubule.

  7.8.3 Model of renal necrosis caused by preparations such as sodium nitrate and 4-nitrocatechol

  [Operation steps] Adult male SD or Wistar rats are kept in a metabolic cage before the experiment, and the urine output for 12 hours and the acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, and glutamyl dehydrogenase in the urine are measured. Normal excretion level. The following different drugs can be used for intraperitoneal injection and modeling of rats.

  (1) Sodium nitrate: 2.5mg/(ml·100g);

  (2) 4-Nitrocatechol: 1mg/(ml·100g);

  (3) 4-nitrothearsic acid; 2.5mg/(ml·100g);

  (4) 4-Aminocatechol: 1.5mg/(ml·100g).

  Measure urine volume and urinary enzyme volume 12h after administration.

  [Result analysis] The urine output of rats with nephrotoxicity generally decreased, and the excretion of lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase increased; the excretion of acid phosphatase and glutamyl dehydrogenase was within the normal range. Renal tissue showed extensive damage and obvious necrosis of renal tubules.