【Animal Modeling】-Zinc Sulfate-induced Chronic Epilepsy Model

  1. Modeling material Animal: rabbit, weighing 2.5-3.5kg; medicine: pentobarbital, lidocaine, zinc sulfate; instrument: stereotactic fixation device.

  2. Modeling method 25 mg/kg pentobarbital anesthesia and 4% lidocaine local anesthesia were injected intravenously into the model animal, fixed in a stereotactic fixation device, the upper hair was cut off, the skull was aseptically exposed, and Sawyer positioned According to the coordinate method. Insert a miniature steel tube (outer tube) with a diameter of 0.9 mm into P4, LL4, RL4, and H8 to insert electrodes to record hippocampal discharge and inject drugs. The inner tube used for lethal injection is 0.55 mm in diameter and 7.5 mm in length. The electrode used to record the hippocampal discharge is a peripheral insulated silver wire (150 μm in diameter, 7.5 mm in length), which is inserted only during the experiment. In addition, the cortical recording electrodes were placed on A10, P10, LL3, and RL3 fixed with denture powder. After two weeks, ordinary EcoG electrodes were used in the experiment.

  First record the electroencephalogram (EHC) and EcoG, and then directly inject 10μl (200μg/kg) of sterile zinc sulfate through the inner tube, and slowly inject it after about 4-5 minutes to complete the injection.

  3. Modeling principle Zinc sulfate causes chronic epilepsy in animals.

  4. Changes after modeling: After injecting zinc sulfate into the hippocampus, most animals showed increased free movement and exploratory behavior. This usually indicates symptoms such as eyelid, facial and neck muscle cramps, turning the head to the other side of the injection, and running. , Mild correction of the forefoot, smell and movement, increased urination, increased saliva secretion and increased respiratory secretions, etc.; then most animals will have secondary generalized clonic seizures, such as neck and forearms, and muscle plexuses all over the body. , Severe seizures, animal imbalances and falls (such as frequent seizures), sometimes manifested by forearm correction after lifting, which are caused by inability to eat or death. EcoG has also undergone typical changes.

  5. Precautions Strictly disinfect surgical instruments to prevent surgical infection, surgical trauma should be as small as possible, and strict aseptic operations should be performed. Keep the temperature and humidity of the breeding room as best as possible.