[Animal Modeling]-Hemolytic Anemia

  [Operation steps] Male SD rats weighing 180-250 g receive normal feed and free drinking water. In the first 1, 4, and 7 days, 2% fexofenadine (APH) saline was injected subcutaneously. Weigh 1 ml/100 g the first time, and weigh 0.5 ml/100 g the second and third times.

  [Result analysis] APH causes changes in bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells, which can transfer hematopoietic stem cells from the bone marrow to the spleen, resulting in an increase in blood cells and a decrease in red blood cells in the compensatory phase. The number of reticulocytes increased rapidly. On the third day after the injection of APH, the experimental rats began to show fatigue, insensitivity, lethargy, bent hips, shortness of breath, palpitation, pale and cool face, eyes, ears, tails, straight hair, reduced gloss, and blood turned black and red. . , Yellow urine. When observed by laparotomy, the liver and spleen are enlarged, especially the splenomegaly is dark red. After injection of APH, hemoglobin and red blood cells decreased sharply, but the total number of reticulocytes, Hay's body and white blood cells increased significantly. 1-7 days after APH injection, hemoglobin is 49% to 79% (usually 16.689%), red blood cells are 2×1000000-4×1000000/mm3 (usually 8×1000000/mm3), and white blood cells are 3×10000. ? 3.9 x 10000/mm3 (usually 5 x 1000? 1.5 x 10000/mm3); reticulum cells are 85%-95% (usually 0.2%); hysteria is 30%-38% (usually 0). His body type is an important indicator of hemolytic anemia, because it is generally known that people who have hemolytic anemia caused by many drugs or degenerate hemoglobin have his body type.