How to prepare an animal model of hypertension (vertigo) with Yin deficiency and Yang hyperactivity?

  Hypertension belongs to the category of "dizziness" and "headache" in traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that deficiency of liver and kidney yin and hyperactivity of liver yang are the main pathogenesis of hypertension and one of the common symptoms of hypertension.

  [Modeling mechanism] The current common hypertension models are: ①Hypertension model of Yin deficiency: two kidneys and one clip method; ②Hypertensive liver-yang hyperactivity model: Double kidneys double clip method and administering Fuzi Decoction; ③hypertension Yin and Yang deficiency model: spontaneous hypertension (SHR type); ④Hypertensive real-fire type model: stable hypertension (MH type); ⑤Hypertension Yang deficiency model: adrenal cortex regeneration type (Skehon type); ⑥High Blood pressure and blood stasis syndrome model: two kidneys and one clip method. The following introduces the establishment of an animal model of hypertension with Yin deficiency and Yang hyperactivity syndrome by the two-kidney one-clamp method.

  【Modeling method】Experimental animals: Wistar male rats. After the rats were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (40mg/kg) intraperitoneally, the abdominal cavity was opened along the midline of the abdomen, and the left renal artery was separated through the retroperitoneum near the aorta. The left renal artery was narrowed with a 0.2mm silver clip, and the right kidney was not touched. After the operation, the abdominal cavity was sutured and penicillin was injected with 100,000 U/head, and the animals were reared routinely. One week after the model was created, the tail artery systolic pressure increased by 22.5mmHg or more than before the operation, and the model was successfully replicated if it exceeded 135mmHg.

  【Features of the model】 Rats gradually appear irritable after modeling. Rats in the same cage frequently bite or bite iron cages and become irritable. Weight loss, body temperature rise, water intake increased, blood pressure increased significantly. Serum tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 levels, plasma cAMP, cGMP also increased significantly, and blood pressure increased significantly.

  [Model evaluation and application] Previous studies have suggested that the two-kidney-one-clamp renal hypertensive rat model belongs to the syndrome of Yin deficiency in TCM. In this experiment, after the renal artery was narrowed by the two-kidney one-clamp method, the rats showed increased body temperature, weight loss, dry hair, and increased irritability, similar to human Yin deficiency and Yang hyperactivity. From the perspective of the etiology of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is the body's true yin. After the renal artery is stenosis in this model, the blood flow is not smooth, and the kidney's yin and blood supply is insufficient, resulting in yin deficiency. The theory of traditional Chinese medicine believes that yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity are different aspects of the same problem. If there is yin deficiency, there must be yang hyperactivity. Therefore, this model rat not only has Yin deficiency, such as weight loss, dry hair, and Yang hyperactivity. On the other hand, such as increased body temperature and increased irritability. At the same time, various laboratory indicators also show the success of the model. Mainly used for the study of the pathology and physiology of hypertension.