[Animal modeling]-Staphylococcus aureus endophthalmitis animal model

  (1) Replication method Cultivation of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC29213 strain and mix with physiological saline to prepare a bacterial suspension of 10000 CFU/ml. Healthy adult New Zealand rabbits were anesthetized by intramuscular injection of a mixture of ketamine (35 mg/kg body weight) and lidocaine (20 mg/kg body weight). After anesthesia, the animals were fixed and the conjunctival sac was flushed with saline. Then I put the rabbit on the temple. In the 2 mm quadrant behind the corneal limbs, use a 1 ml syringe to aspirate 0.1 ml of the vitreous body, and inject 0.1 ml of a bacterial solution of a known concentration into the eye. The same location. After the operation, a mixture of 0.1% gentamicin and dexamethasone was used four times a day.

  (2) Model features: 1 hour postoperative conjunctival hyperemia and edema, 12 hours corneal edema, anterior chamber exudation, weakening of light on the pupil; 24 hours cornea mild turbidity, iris hyperemia; 3d vitreous turbidity, 3d later iris adhesion 7d, On the 10th day, the cornea was severely cloudy and the vitreous body was gray and cloudy. At 14d, the cornea was cloudy, the iris was blurred, and the vitreous body was gray and turbid. Microscopic pathological observations were performed at 1 hour and 12 hours after surgery. When the iris and ciliary body of the model animals were hyperemia, inflammatory cell infiltration appeared at the angle of the cavity, choroidal hyperemia and protein-like exudation from the front of the retina showed that. At 24 hours, there is exudate in the front and subretinal areas of the retina. There are many inflammatory cells on the surface of the iris and the edge; within three days, the animal develops panophthalmitis, with a large amount of exudation at the edge, swelling of the hairline, iris telangiectasia and a large number of inflammatory cells in the anterior wall of the vitreous cavity. Many inflammatory cells are detached from the retina, and some of the inflammatory cells from the ganglion cell layer are infiltrated. After 7 days, the inflammatory response was weakened, and many inflammatory cell infiltrations were observed in the retina.

  (3) Comparative Medicine Endophthalmitis is a clinically serious disease that threatens human vision and is usually caused by bacterial infection. The main pathogens are Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus. Common reasons are mainly intraocular perforation injury or intraocular surgery. The endophthalmitis model replicated in this way is similar to clinical human endophthalmitis caused by bacterial infection in the process of inflammation and pathological features. It can be used to study the etiology of endophthalmitis and drug screening, and you can use it.