How to prepare animal model of sequelae of cerebral infarction (stroke) with Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome?

  Cerebral infarction belongs to the category of "stroke" (stroke) in Chinese medicine, and is a disease that seriously threatens human health. Qi deficiency and blood stasis are one of its important pathogenesis. The method of replicating stroke animal models at home and abroad is basically the acute phase of stroke. For the sequelae of stroke, neither an animal model has been copied nor the dialectical combination of the model and traditional Chinese medicine.

  [Modeling mechanism] The right middle artery infarction model of rats was made by craniotomy, and the rats were continuously stimulated by reperfusion and random electric pulse stimulator to establish a compound model of sequelae of cerebral infarction with Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome.

  [Method of Modeling] After the rat is anesthetized, the left common carotid artery is separated and ligated, and then the right common carotid artery is separated and ligated for 1 hour before being released. Make a 1.5cm incision on the line connecting the right ear edge and the eyelid, separate the temporal muscle, expose the skull, drill the exposed bone to open a bone window, and block the middle cerebral artery by electrocoagulation, and then use a rat random electric pulse stimulator to stimulate 30 Day, the stimulation intensity is 50~80V, 0.5~25Hz, 0.1~1.1 milliseconds. Observation indicators: rat performance, neurological deficit score, brain tissue pathological section, energy metabolism, etc.

  [Characteristics of the model] After stimulation, the rats have dull hair, curly hair, listlessness, panic expression, weight loss, limb weakness, reduced food intake, or weakness of left upper limb adduction. Leaning to one side when climbing, lower limbs abducted, difficult to adduct, limp when walking or jumping, can not curl the body normally when lifting the tail of the rat, can only keep shaking the body, the left testis of the male rat shrinks, and the size of the testes on both sides is not the same One.

  [Model Evaluation and Application] The pathological model of "Qi Deficiency and Blood Stasis" in the sequelae of cerebral infarction in rats was made by a multi-factor composite method. Significant obstacles appeared in energy metabolism. The TCM syndrome manifestations of "Qi deficiency" mainly promote weakness and biochemical deficiency. Metabolism is blocked, which affects the function of the viscera, and provides an objective basis for judging the "qi deficiency" index for the model of Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome in cerebral infarction (stroke). This model is used for the pathological and physiological research of cerebral infarction in Chinese medicine.