[Animal Modeling]-Hypertension Model

  Acute experimental hypertension models often use dogs, cats, rats, rabbits and monkeys. There are many ways to replicate, such as direct stimulation of the central nervous system, through neural reflexes, injection of exogenous catecholamines or other body fluid pressurizing substances. This type of model causes a short period of hypertension and is not suitable for long-term research. The chronic experimental hypertension model should be replicated. Except for hereditary hypertension animal models that can simulate the natural process of human hypertension, other types of chronic experimental hypertension animal models (such as neural prototype, kidney type, endocrine type, diet type, etc.), most of them have to go through a certain amount of The treatment of surgery, drugs or other additional factors is not completely consistent with the clinical of human hypertension, but it is still a very important experimental means for screening effective antihypertensive drugs. Commonly used animals in the experiment are white rats and dogs. Monkeys are not easy to source, and the blood pressure of rabbits is not significantly elevated. Therefore, the latter two animals are rarely used.

  1. Auditory hypertension is a large gray rat that is a hybrid between a rat and a house mouse (it is easier to induce success than a purebred rat), 4 months old, placed in a cage in a soundproof room, noise stimulation can be emitted by an electric bell or loudspeaker, and a speaker It is an audio oscillator, connected to a 20W tweeter. The noise stimulus should be changed frequently in 700-1000 cycles per second, and the noise stimulus is once every 30 seconds, and it can also be stimulated every 1 minute for 30 seconds. It can be changed at any time without being constant, but the noise interference must be continuous day and night for several months. After 3 consecutive months of noise stimulation, blood pressure generally rises. The normal average systolic blood pressure of squirrels is 113±8mmHg, which can rise to 130~140mmHg at this time, and the systolic blood pressure of 40% animals can be as high as 160mmHg. This kind of hypertension animal model is similar to human hypertension, and is suitable for screening antihypertensive drugs.

  2. Experimental renal artery stenosis hypertension. After anesthetizing the dog or rabbit, the abdominal position starts from 1.5 to 2 cm next to the spine, the right side is along the rib edge, and the left side is 4 cm long from the rib edge about two fingers wide. Skin incision, separation of the subcutaneous tissue and low back fascia, incision of the internal oblique muscle disc membrane, pushing open the longis dorsi muscle, exposing the kidney and carefully bluntly separating a section of the renal artery, using a silver clip or silver ring of a certain diameter (6 The diameter of the ring used for ~8kg dogs is 0.8~1.2mm, and the diameter of the ring used for rabbits is 0.5~0.8mm.) Sleeve the renal artery to cause renal artery stenosis. If one side of the renal artery is stenosis, the other side of the kidney should be removed, and the next operation should be performed after an interval of 10 to 12 days. A few days after the operation, the blood pressure began to rise, and the blood pressure rose to a peak after 1 to 3 months and could be maintained for a long time. For example, the average blood pressure of a rabbit before surgery is 100mmHg, it rises to 125mmHg 2 weeks after surgery, 135mmHg after 1 month, and 140~194mmHg after 2 months. Domestically, it is advocated to make an incision from the midline of the abdomen, and one operation to narrow the renal arteries on both sides. The speed and degree of blood pressure increase depends on the degree of renal artery stenosis. When the renal artery is excessively narrowed, it will cause malignant hypertension and rapid death of the artery. Generally, 1/4 to 1/3 of the orifice of narrowed blood vessels is appropriate. This renal hypertension model has the same changes as clinical hypertension, and the effect of antihypertensive drugs is equal to that of clinical patients.

  3. Renal outsourcing for hypertension. Foreign body dressing outside the kidney can cause peri-nephritis, forming a fibrous sheath outside the kidney, compressing the renal parenchyma, causing renal tissue ischemia, increasing the formation of renin, and increasing blood pressure. Choose 120~150g white rats. After anesthesia, disinfect the skin. Cut the skin along the midline of the spine from the 10th thoracic vertebra to the 3rd lumbar vertebra. Use small vascular forceps to separate the muscles 1.5-2cm from the left side and 1cm from the spine. Use two fats to squeeze the kidney from the lower part of the abdomen from its own mouth, carefully peel the kidney from the surrounding tissues, cut the self-made double-layer latex film into an "X" shape, wrap the kidney across the kidney gate, and then cut it on the opposite side , Take out the right kidney, excise after separation, and suture the muscle and skin wounds. Inject 10,000 to 20,000 units of penicillin G subcutaneously. After the operation, 1% sodium chloride solution can be added as a promoting factor. After about 20 days, more than 70% of the rats have hypertension. Systolic blood pressure can generally increase by more than 50%.