How to correctly prepare the animal model of thrombocytopenic purpura (blood syndrome) with the syndrome of spleen failure to control the blood?

  Thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a common hemorrhagic disease characterized by hemorrhage and peripheral blood thrombocytopenia, normal or increased bone marrow megakaryocyte count accompanied by maturation disorders, and is an autoimmune disease. It belongs to the category of hemorrhagic diseases of the motherland medicine. Deficiency of the spleen is one of the main pathogenesis of the disease.

  【Modeling mechanism】Using modern medical immunization method, intraperitoneal injection of antiplatelet serum, combined with traditional Chinese medicine bitter cold purging method, gavage senna leaf water infusion to establish an animal model of ITP spleen failure.

  【Modeling method】Experimental animals: BALB/c mice. The immunization method was used to inject 1:4 guinea pig anti-mouse platelet antiserum (APS) 100μl/mouse into the abdominal cavity on the second, fourth, eighth, and sixth day of the experiment to establish an ITP animal model. Combining the method of bitter cold and purging the blood of traditional Chinese medicine, 0.5ml of senna leaf water extract was given to the stomach from the 1st to 10th day to establish the animal model of ITP spleen failure to control the blood. Observation indicators: mental state of mice, bleeding, fur luster, water intake, urine and feces, weight change and death, peripheral blood, peripheral T lymphocyte subsets, bone marrow megakaryocyte count.

  [Characteristics of the model] Diarrhea occurred on the 3rd day after gavage of senna, it was mucus that did not form, and there was less food and anorexia. On the 4th day, she gradually appeared listless, squinted, crowded, unresponsive, slow to walk, and even unsteady, with shaggy coat color, scattered erections, reduced diet and water consumption, and gradually weight loss. Since the second intraperitoneal injection of APS, obvious subcutaneous purpura appeared, focusing on the injection site, limbs, and tail. Laboratory tests showed decreased platelets and hemoglobin, and increased bone marrow megakaryocytes. The weight of the spleen, thymus, and adrenal glands increased significantly.

  [Model Evaluation and Application] This study used modern medical immunotherapy combined with the Bitter Cold Purging Method of Traditional Chinese Medicine to establish an animal model of ITP spleen failure to control the blood. According to the performance of the mice, platelets were significantly reduced, the number of bone marrow megakaryocytes was significantly increased, and the peripheral T lymphocyte subsets were significantly increased, which is clinically consistent with ITP, suggesting that the animal model of ITP spleen failure to control the blood is consistent with the characteristics of ITP disease. The method is reliable and reproducible. It provides a reliable animal model for TCM research and treatment of the syndrome of failure to control the blood of the spleen. This model is suitable for TCM research on thrombocytopenic purpura and spleen failure to control the blood.