【Animal Modeling】-Three chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane transplantation tumor models

  Objective: By comparing the growth of three different cancer cell lines in chicken chorionic villus (CAM), to screen the best transplanted cancer cell lines, establish a transplanted tumor model, and observe its biological characteristics.

  Methods: Human lung cancer A549 strain, tongue squamous cell carcinoma TCA8113 strain and human liver cancer QGY7703 strain were respectively inoculated into 7-day-old chicken embryo CAM. The survival rate of each chicken embryo was tested for tumor strain, tumor formation rate and induced blood vessel Generate other indicators, observe and screen the growth characteristics of transplanted tumor models.

  Result: Compared with human lung cancer A549 strain and liver cancer QGY7703 strain, tongue squamous cell carcinoma TCA8113 strain has the highest tumor formation rate (P\u003c0.05), and is the best cancer cell for transplantation. The number of cancer cells after inoculation is 8.0×106 /, the best tumor growth cycle after inoculation is 4-8 days, and the best experimental time is 7 days after inoculation.

  Conclusion: To screen and establish a TCA-CAM xenograft tumor model of tongue squamous cell carcinoma for detailed study of tumor growth biological characteristics, angiogenesis mechanism, invasion and metastasis mechanism, and anti-tumor screening drugs. These drugs provide excellent Experimental animal model.